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The Study Of Ideology Leading Power In Cultural Industry

Posted on:2019-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330563491017Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ideological work is an extremely important work of the Party.To master the leading power of ideology,our Party needs to take the initiative in guiding the public's ideological and cultural direction,and internalize its ideals,beliefs,and values as advocated by society into social cohesion.For a long time,our country has taken the development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries as part of ideological construction,which plays an important guiding role in ideology.The internal connection between culture and ideology determines that we should use the role of culture to strengthen and improve the ideological construction of our country.This paper is divided into five parts:Part One: Introduction.The research background and significance of the topic,the research situation at home and abroad,the research ideas and methods,and the basic concepts are systematically discussed,which provides a clear vision and clear thinking for the development of the research content in this paper.Part Two: Marxist Theory and Practice of Ideology Domination in Cultural Industry.Through the analysis of classical Marxism and the basic ideology of Chinese Marxism on ideology dominance,the practice and development of Marxist ideology are clarified,the experience of constructing the leading power of ideology in China is summarized,and the importance of building ideological leadership is heightened.Party Three: Cultural Industry as Adorno's Ideology Criticism.The connotation of Adorno's critique theory of cultural industry,the ideological function of cutlural industry and the internal logic of Adorno's critical theory are analyzed.Adorno criticized the cultural industry under the condition of capitalist production,and considered that the cultural products produced by it showed the characteristics of commercialization,standardization,pseudo-personalization,vulgarization and so on,and became a tool for ideology to dominate the masses.It is of great significance for us to think about the developing direction of our cultural industry,to improve the softpower of culture,and to grasp the leading position of Marxist ideology in our country.Part Four: The Current Ideology Dominance in China's Cultural Industry.Emphasis is placed on the analysis of the challenges facing our country in the field of ideology.The imperfect system of socialist market economy leads to the trend of pluralistic social values and beliefs,combined with the influence of social trends of thought at home and abroad and the innovation of cultural communication forms,all these weaken the leading position of Marxist ideology.Part Five: Reflections on How to Grasp the Domination of Ideology in Chinese Cultural Industry.Through thinking about the problems in our country's cultural industry and putting forward the importance of integrating social benefits with economic benefits in the process of developing our country's cultural industry,in order to consolidate the main position of Marxist ideology in our country,we should fully explore the rich cultural resources in our country,strengthen the humanistic concern to the reality in the development of cultural industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ideology, Dominant Right, Cultural Domain, Cultural Industry
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