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Winter Study And Grassroots Cadre Construction

Posted on:2019-07-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330551958707Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Northwestern Shanxi base area was an important revolutionary base in Shanxi during the Anti-Japanese War.It was located inland and the agricultural industry developed slowly.This was in line with the traditional rural economic characteristics.Peasants lived in poverty and had less contact with the outside world.Cultural education is relatively backward.During the Anti-Japanese War,the Chinese Communist Party(CPC)entered the northwestern region of Shanxi and carried out various aspects of the construction of the base areas.Among them,the most important task is the reserve of the cadres.On the one hand,the Communist Party of China carries out the election of cadres,the construction of grass-roots cadres,mobilization of village elections,and the rational transformation of the village political power;on the other hand,the political and cultural level of the grass-roots cadres is understood through the test of the cultural level of the cadres at the grass-roots level and the test of the party members.Therefore,the Chinese Communist Party cleverly used the traditional way of "winter study" to launch the winter movement.In the movement,mobilizing the majority of grass-roots cadres to participate in it not only exerted its organizational management responsibilities,but also served as a teacher of winter study,and with other teachers to accept the winter training.During the training,the teachers learned from their own thoughts,labor heroes,and contacted specific winter work,so that the grass-roots cadres were trained in winter study,and cultivated many activists.In the winter study,the training of cadres has achieved results,adjusted the relationship between the cadres,improved the ideology of the grass-roots cadres to a certain extent,and at the same time cultivated activists in the new cadres to ease the lack of cadres at that time.Despite some problems has raised in the cultivation,such as the incorrect understanding of the grassroots cadres,the poor quality of the winter teacher,and the appearance of corruption in individual areas,the experience and lessons learned have promoted education development and cultural construction in the base areas.It is also an internal reason for the success of the CPC's rural revolution to train grassroots cadres in the winter study and attach importance to the construction of grass-roots cadres.
Keywords/Search Tags:Winter study, Grassroots cadres, Base, Teacher
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