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Dong Guo Zheng Yun And Chinese Phonetics In Ming Dynasty Pronunciation

Posted on:2019-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548957178Subject:Chinese Philology
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The Ming Dynasty is very important in the history of Chinese phonetics,single in terms of phonology,rhythm dictionary in the Ming dynasty,the stars are bright,both content and form,were showing an unprecedented new atmosphere,and had a profound influence on later generations,and also spread to the east of north Korea.Almost every book in the history of north Korean rhymes dictionary is deeply engraved with the stamp of the Chinese rhyme,and some of them even have a clear inheritance relationship with Chinese rhymes,such as the translation of Hong Wu Zheng Yun.Since ancient times,north Korea has been deeply influenced by Chinese culture.every book record all borrowed Chinese characters It was not until the mid-fifteenth century,when the Korean Li dynasty was born,creation of the Xun Min Zheng Yin that the Korean people were born with their own phonetic alphabet.In order to cooperate with the imperial court to promote the Chinese translation of education policy,many scholars tried to compile textbooks,rhymes and dictionaries in the north Korean language.By the end of the 19 th century,there was a book called Hong Wu Zheng Yun by Shen Shuzhou and other people,and Cui Shizhen's Si Sheng Tong Jie,Chen Sanwen,Shen Shuzhou Dong Guo Zheng Yun and so on;Translation of Chinese textbooks Cui Shizhen Lao Qi Da translation,Piao Tong Shi translation,Lao Qi Da is the solution,Piao Tong Shi solution,sense new interpretation of the Piao Tong Shi solution,Li xian Sinovoice enlightenment is the solution and so on;The dictionary has Shen Yixing Yi Yu Lei Jie,Hua Yu Lei Chao and so on.Generally,the north Korean rhymes we refer to are divided into three types:translation of Chinese rhymes,such as Hong Wu Zheng Yun translation training,etc.North Korea compiles its own Chinese rhymes,such as Si Sheng Tong Jie,etc.Korean Chinese character rhyme book,such as Dong Guo Zheng Yun and so on.Need special pointed out that north Korean Chinese striking,compiling Chinese translation,the purpose of striking and compiling the north Chinese phonology books mainly literacy's pronunciation,for training officer,translation studies scholars talent service,such as Chinese to learn and master the Chinese north officer voice services.As a result,"the north China striking Sinologist in translation or write your own Chinese textbooks,attaches great importance to listen to the north of China pronunciation of reality,for the traditional striking sound of ancient 'adopted' not strong and old attitude It is of great benefit to study the characteristics of Chinese northern mandarin pronunciation,and even to determine the phonetic nature of mandarin Chinese.The book is written in the twenty-ninth year(1447)of the reign of the emperor of the east.The book is the first north Korean rhythm dictionary phoneticed to be written in a Korean.Compiled by the north Korean scholar Feng Chi in pinyin,the book is a more faithful account of the Chinese characters on the Korean peninsula.Proverbs belongs to the alphabet writing,composed of phonemes,can fundamentally overcome the characters of the traditional method of phonetic notation directly phonetic,reading method,resection,etc.,the limitation of accurately and objectively to Chinese character phonetic notation.It can objectively reflect the Chinese phonetic system of Ming dynasty,which is of great significance to the development and evolution of Chinese phonetic history.This paper article core meaning,through the analysis of the east China is rhyme initials system,examine the initials of the Ming dynasty reflected by Chinese northern mandarin characteristics,differentiation and confluence to explore the modern Chinese phonological system.This paper consists of three parts.Chapter one,introduction.This chapter is divided into six sections,respectively from the selected topic origin,research status Dong Guo Zheng Yun and their life,the research ideas of this paper,research methods and focused and difficult point to narrate.Chapter tuo,the study of the initials of the Dong Guo Zheng Yun.This chapter focuses on the study of initials.Guang Yun as the frame of reference.Nearly sixteen thousand of phonetic rhyme word,mark each rhyme word corresponding sound,rhyme,opening and closing of middle Chinese,etc.and according to the different place of articulation,according to the sounds,the tongue,labial teeth,dental,guttural,lingual and half dental order,one by one.Chapter three,draw initials table of Dong Guo Zheng Yun and the thesis summarizes the conclusions of the preceding analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dong Guo Zheng Yun, Guang Yun, initial, contrastive analysis
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