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The Influence Of The Folk Art "Wulian Cutting Flower" On My Comprehensive Painting Creation

Posted on:2019-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M GeFull Text:PDF
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Comprehensive painting is a new style of painting,with its more open art form,wider inclusiveness,and making use of all available materials to create endless possibilities.In a great sense,the comprehensive painting is not only a picture,but also a state of life or an inner emotion of the author."Wulian cut flower" needlework as local traditional culture,has its unique artistic language and artistic appeal,bearing the delicate gentle sincere emotion endless.The needlework language and material considerations,after repeated experiments,the organization is applied to the comprehensive exploration of the painting,the painting language is rich,but also on the local traditional culture inheritance and development.This article of the "Wulian cut flower" needlework culture this ingrained emotion based,combined with characteristics of narcissistic personal painting theme choice,in the art of love with material techniques,describe their state of life,to express true feelings.In this graduation creation in his hometown of familiar and favorite local needlework "Wulian cut flower" language to painting,is a bold attempt of painting materials and painting techniques on comprehensive painting,but also on the inheritance of needlework culture as the "hometown of innovation.In the creation of "Wulian cut flower" in the local traditional needlework language,the creative adaptation picture effect attempt: local cut flowers: the embroidered traditional style complete picture in picture cut flowers into local,block cutting flower form;the side cut flowers: the traditional flower cutting technique of full symmetric end the change of flower cut again this form of bias picture,the picture is the emergence of a special texture effect,and can coordinate and painting part,in addition to help my personal expression of emotion,and give them a unique visual experience.The traditional needlework culture materials in comprehensive painting techniques into the painting,let me pay attention to the heart and hand,explore the technology and skills of traditional needlework culture in comprehensive painting,the artistic creation as a craftsman spirit to extend,and to explore the relationship between the artist and the hands heart shape,I was in the process of painting free and genuine attention to their present living conditions,living environment and inner feelings show.
Keywords/Search Tags:Comprehensive painting, Folk art, Wulian cut flower, Cutting art
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