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Understanding And Understanding Of Painting Composition With The Combination Of Self Creation And Discussion

Posted on:2019-10-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M G ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The content of the painting works is the sum of the objective and subjective factors that constitute the artistic image,the objective factors of the works are the real life and objects described in the works,and the main factors are the cognition,understanding and evaluation of the real life and the objects.Thought and aesthetic ideal,painting works reflect the particularity of realistic object and the particularity of artistic expression,and finally show the phenomenon form of concrete perception,arouse the imagination of audience through visual image,the form of painting work,The content is closely related to the artist's creative personality.Within the range of all unique thoughts,emotions,personal temperament,life experiences and aesthetic ideals,the content expresses his profound feelings and experiences of life objects.At the same time,they also express their spiritual outlook,aesthetic consciousness,artistic literacy and artistic ability in their works.Painting works have a time span and a process.In this process,painting works integrate all kinds of factors associated with the theme conception,so that the picture can reach the most perfect structure combination,so the painting creation process is systematic.In painting creation,it refers to the arrangement and processing of the position and relationship of the aesthetic object in the physical space of the plane,the composition of which is the skeleton of the picture of the painting work,in which individual or partial images are formed as a whole.It is also a test and revision of the conception of a work,and it is a concrete materialized existence.This paper discusses the understanding and understanding of the composition of a painting work from a systematic and procedural perspective.Composition is not a separate link in the art creation.But throughout the whole process of the creation of the work,the screen elements,such as point,line,volume,black and white ash,are always in the process of exploring the composition and combination of these elements.The best combination of these elements to express the theme of the work and convey the series of information of the content of the painting,so as to highlight the value of the painting.The paper not only discusses the understanding and understanding of the composition of painting,but also puts forward the thinking angle of systematic and procedural exploration of the problem in combination with the experience of the practice of painting creation,and proves the composition by combining the practice of the creation of works.
Keywords/Search Tags:composition, conception, Process, comprehensiveness
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