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Study Of The Changes Of Chinese Diaspora In The UK After WW?

Posted on:2019-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548484846Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the promotion of the communication and cooperation between China and the UK,the Chinese diaspora in the UK plays an increasingly significant role in bridging China and the UK,disseminating Chinese culture and constructing a multicultural Britain.It is frequently reported on both Chinese and British media about how British Chinese diaspora organize Chinese education and how they celebrate Chinese festivals.However,Chinese diaspora on British media were definitely notorious with drug and criminals.According to the comparison,the enormous change of post-war Chinese diaspora is obvious.The dissertation illustrates the changes from three aspects: the scale of British Chinese diaspora,industrial structures,the institutions.After World War II,under the influence of the adjustment of immigration policies of the UK and the situation of China and Southeast Asia,a large amount of Chinese from different regions poured into Britain.Their arrival diversified the composition of British Chinese.Apart from the difference of geographic origins,their class and occupations differed a lot,some of whom were refugees,entrepreneurs,professionals and students.The diversity of the cultural and occupational backgrounds brought the changes of the industrial structures of Chinese diaspora.In the pre-war times,the laundry business had long been dominant.However,after WWII,Chinese catering developed rapidly,and the huge number of Chinese immigrants supplied adequate labour force to it.Besides,the arrival of the Chinese capitalists and students upgraded the Chinese industries from labour-intensive industries-laundry and catering-to multiple economy,which covered catering,tourism,retailing,finance,real estate.As the composition of people and industrial structure of the Chinese diaspora changed and British Chinese had more interaction with the British people,it becamenecessary for Chinese to integrate into British mainstream society.With the effort of Chinese and the support of the governments,the Chinese diaspora has been changing from being self-enclosed and self-managed to being open and inclusive.The changes of the UK Chinese diaspora after WWII made great contributions to the living and business of British Chinese,development of multi-culture of Britain and dissemination of Chinese culture.Nonetheless,there were still some problems in the process of changing of Chinese diaspora,the existence of the segregation between Chinese and British mainstream society,the lack of cohesion,the low motivation to participation in politics.These problems would restrict Chinese to integrate into British society and impact the living and development of British Chinese people.
Keywords/Search Tags:British Chinese Diaspora, Post-war, Changes
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