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Study On The Effect Of The Strike Effect Of Chinese Action Movies

Posted on:2019-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548475844Subject:Ethnic Traditional Sports
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The action movie has become a Chinese movie culture card,its action design,action performance in the Chinese martial arts routine under the influence of the various ways of action and the pursuit of hitting style,in the Chinese martial arts fighting"fighting must be under,the impact will destroy" and concerned Hit effect.However,given that current Chinese action movies pay more attention to the way of hitting,this article takes "beating effect" as the research object,and explores the historical evolution of cultural production in the past hundred years with the literature data method and text analysis method,and draws the following conclusions.1.There is a historical change from "simple to complex" in the performance of the"beating effect" of Chinese action movies.First,in the body movements of the attacked person,Bruce Lee added a change in the body reaction style of the attacked person in the display of the real attack.Jackie Chan's exploration of the difficulty of the striking action enriched the new trick with the striking effect.Jet Li was docked with More professional response was hit.Second,in the performance of being hit,in the change of long-lens-short-lens montage-rainstorm clips,through the enhancement of speed to enhance the performance of the striking effect,with the frequent use of small scenes,more and more fine performance of the impact effect.In the"strike-injury" mode,the ability to fight from scratch has changed the original simplicity of dodging,enriching the performance of the screen being hit,and extending the time of action scenes.2.The performance of the "beating effect" of Chinese action movies still has a development path "from direct to indirect".First,the "strike effect" is converted from the direct hitting person's directness to the attacked person,and is gradually converted into an indirect response to the hitting effect through the scene and the prop.Second,the "beating effect" is a performance that converts the body movements of the original hitter into expressions,and also ignores the expressions of the early action scenes.After the use of the small scene lens,it gradually enriches the hitter and the hitter.Even the expression of the third party is used to achieve the purpose of indirectly conveying the striking effect.Thirdly,the indirect performance of "beating effects"has changed from "real performance to special effect virtual" in the increasingly mature computer special effects,and its special effect of hitting effect has expanded to the scope of "going nine days outside",and it has also deepened.To the "inner line texture" level.Fourth,the indirect manifestation of the "beating effect" has changed from "showing violence to eliminating violence" after the original direct display of the wounded was converted into an indirect manifestation and the form of martial arts and comedy.It embodies the euphemism and subtlety of Chinese aesthetics,and it also reflects the ideal of Chinese martial arts as "stopping the war for the military."3.The performance of Chinese action movie "beating effect" experienced a "change from simple to complex,direct and indirect" changes.Its "simple and complex,direct and indirect" four elements are both indicators of low and advanced development.These two groups are again the dialectical unity of cross-convergence.For example,"simple" can be related to both "directly" and "indirectly";similarly,"directly" can also mean "complex" It can be seen that the "beating effect" is a subjective image of the hitting action related to the hitting manner presented through the movie screen,and has three major elements.First,it is a subjective image,and it is not an objectively quantified evaluation criterion.Second,it can be directly reflected by body movements that consist of changes in posture,expression,etc.,as well as through backgrounds,props,and third parties.Special effect and indirect reflection;Third,it is based on the hit party,including hitting parties,background props,and shots and special effects and other elements of the complex.4.The action design,performance,filming and production of Chinese action movies must be strengthened in both aspects of practice and research while continuing to strengthen the innovation and development of the "hit method".On the one hand,the new "bashing effect" should be continuously explored.The method is to comprehensively use the later stages of the movie,such as the effect of hue,sound effect,and light distribution on the "beating effect";on the other hand,the research on the logical relationship between the "bashing method" and the "bashing effect" should be strengthened.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese martial arts, action movie, hitting effect, hitting method
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