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A Study Of The Expression Of 'Human's Purpose ' In Egon Schiele's Paintings

Posted on:2019-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548463242Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Egon Leo adolf Ludwig Schiller was one of the most famous painters in Austrian history in the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries.Women in the world of Schiller's painting holds a special place,in the world of Schiller's female,his mother Mary Schiller,sister,Gertrude Schiller,lover's Valerie noe with him and his wife eddy,Schiller is the Muse of painting creation in his life.Brothers and his father's death he was shrouded in a death atmosphere,make in Schiller short and extraordinary life,most of the paintings around the "people" to compose,more influenced by Nietzsche,Freud thought Schiller desire for sexual expression has a departure from the social cognitive understanding,death and sex became the most attention topic Schiller.German philosopher Schopenhauer as early as one hundred years ago in the era of Schiller has proposed "people is the essence of survival will be curb blind impulse and desire,people were blind was at the mercy of the will to survive,to continuously pursue,always not satisfied,and the path to liberation,one is the nirvana of Buddhism,the second is philosophy and ethics,3 it is art".Relief desire of art,Schiller seems to be in accordance with the aesthetic understanding of Schopenhauer wander between desire and art,survival and satisfaction is the strongest two people would like to state,which Schiller also show two themes-death and sex.Schiller's natural artistic ability allows him to find a way to relieve the pain in art.Desire comes from the excess of the energy of life,and the pain and anxiety that we feel in Schiller's work may be the embodiment of the nature of human nature-desire and desire.Schopenhauer's philosophical view,"the pain caused by the desire for art," explains his desire to be free.Schiller's thoughts and works show the desire in the form of artistic freedom,so Schiller's intention is free.This thesis analyzes the spirit of Schiller's works and thoughts in Schopenhauer's view of human nature.Schiller,as a representative of expressionism in the 20 th century,his works and the perspective of aesthetics,grasp the initial purpose of expressionism and content,to the understanding of the many expressionism spirit culture trait,to expand their artistic creation thinking direction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intended to, Expressionism, QiuShengYu, Sex
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