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Research On The Creation Language Of Printmaking—Collision And Dislocation

Posted on:2019-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S LuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of industrial society to the future,what civilization is unknown,the passage of time in the bronze engraving engraved industrial posture of the old cold,copper material and industrial themes determine the hard and cold sense of the screen.In the picture,the objective contrast and subjective contrast between the mechanical hand and the lizard of the flesh are the way of consciousness and thinking.From the angle of humanistic care,it can resist the indifference between people and arouse the warmth between human and society.Bound,and cold pressing is a necessary attribute of the society,and every creature like a mayfly note,from the ocean in the viewer's eyes into the body,try to win your heart is soft and inclusive.Through the "ad" picture series sometime conflict and dislocation sense to get people and people,and society,and the dimensions of history to explore the inner balance,more humane care sensitive?...
Keywords/Search Tags:Geometric composition, Reason, Humanism
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