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A Report On The Translation Of The Complete Gardener(Excerpt)

Posted on:2019-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548452442Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The translation material is an excerpt from the gardening book:The Complete Gardener,written by English horticulture television presenter and writer Monty Don.The book was originally published by Dorling Kindersley in 2003,The book's writer put his organic and sustainable principles into practice in his own garden,appeal to readers for organic gardening in-between the lines,introducing the garden's structural design,methods,and experience of planting flowers,vegetables,herbs,and fruits.The writing style is elegant yet rigorous,accompanied by thousands of beautiful pictures,providing a full range of gardening knowledge for readers.The book includes seven parts,this project selected "Background" and "Being organic" as the English-Chinese translation material.The selected material fits the concept of 19th National Congress of Communist Party of China's "speeding up reform of the system for developing an ecological civilization,and building a beautiful China" as well as the dimension of the people's livelihood.According to the translator's analysis,the source text contains quite distinct text types and functions:some parts of the content give step to step instructions about gardening;some parts focus on describing memories and moods regarding the garden;some parts are infused with the appeal for organic gardening practices.The translator finds that during the translation process,using the guidance of text typology,semantic translation and communicative translation tactics can achieve a relatively better quality of the target text.The translator tries to find a balance between the original text and the target audiences,on the one hand,to ensure the accuracy of the horticultural guidance of the source texts,and on the other hand,to respect the aesthetic norms of the target readers.The report consists of five parts,the first chapter is the introduction,including introducing the background information,the overview of the translation project,the status of the research on English translation of gardening and the significance of the translation;the second chapter is the translation process,including translation preparation,in-translation problems,and post-translation review;the third chapter is the theoretical framework,which contains the text-typology and semantic translation and communicative translation theories;the fourth part is case study,providing examples of the difficulties of translation,the different translation strategies on the different types of texts under the influence of functionalism.The final chapter concludes with the main findings of the translator in this translation practice and the limitations of the dissertation.
Keywords/Search Tags:gardening, text-typology, semantic translation, communicative translation
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