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Study On The Thought Of Mental Health Preservation In Huang Di Nei Jing

Posted on:2019-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M T XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545998204Subject:Basic Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Health is the human eternal pursuit.With the development of modern civilization,people pay more and more attention to preserving health.It's known that medicine,diet,and exercise have become today the three most common ways to preserve one's health,but psychological health are almost neglected.At the same time,psychological troubles and diseases are more and more common,and the social problems caused by them are more and more prominent because of the faster pace and the fiercer competition of people's life.In addition,there are many limitations in the application of western medical psychology and psychotherapy in China,so it is imperative to seek the mental health wisdom in our own culture.Huang Di Nei Jing is an integrator of ancient health culture,which contains rich and unique contents of mental health preservation.The thought of mental health preservation is an important part of its health preservation system.It condenses the ancient people's exploration and wisdom of life and is of great enlightening significance to people in modern society.Moreover,the study of the traditional psychological culture is of great value to the development of Chinese psychology and to the enrichment of the world psychology.This paper attempts to base on Chinese native culture soil,using the method of literature analysis,analyze the mental health preservation thoughts in Huang Di Nei Jing,evaluate it and explore its contemporary significance.First,the concept of mental health preservation and other related concepts are defined,and its cultural origin is sorted out.On this basis,the main content of mental health preservation thoughts is expounded in detail,and its modern value is explained to some extent.The study found that the mental health preservation thoughts in Huang Di Nei Jing absorbed some thoughts of traditional Taoism,Confucianism and the Eclectics,especially Taoism,which had the greatest influence.Under this influence,a psychological health preservation system with its own characteristics was formed.The harmony of body and mind is the foundation,and the principle of "Zhi Wei Bing" is an important principle.The methods include adjusting,preserving "Shen",and regulating emotions,etc.The unity of nature and man is the highest level of mental health,and it is also the process of self-transcendence and the return of true-self.Today,the thought of mental health preservation in Huang Di Nei Jing inevitably has its own limitations.However,the cultural features of holistic view and preventive view are more forward-looking and humanistic,which are instructive to the contemporary disease prevention,health care,modern people's improvement of life style and self-awakening.
Keywords/Search Tags:Huang Di Nei Jing, mental health preservation, Chinese culture
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