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Moving Image-the Application Of Laser Elements In Painting

Posted on:2019-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J XiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545993957Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper starts from the basic language of art materials,taking the evolution of painting materials into the development of the theory of painting performance context to consideration,talking about the feasibility of new materials for oil painting.This paper is divided into three chapters.The first chapter starts from the background of the new material,goes back to the history of oil painting materials,discusses new materials in modern oil painting as a means of reproduction and performance of significance.Focusing on the art theory,it introduces laser as a new material from the physical,space and time,even the emergence of the art language itself,also is a new wave to promote the development of new images of contemporary art.And then focuses on the material of laser element,discusses its own properties from the physical and artistic characteristics of the element of laser.The second chapter,gives the example of the Mariko Mori,Paco Rabanne and so on other areas(in sculpture,the public space,buildings and clothing)respectively about how to use the laser element materials for creation and concept of the works.The third chapter returns to the painting itself,enumerates the contemporary painters,and discusses the feasibility and future of laser element materials in the development of painting from the perspective of painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:laser, light effect, flow
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