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"The Moscow Writing" Of "The Underground,or A Hero Of Our Time" From The Perspective Of Post Realism

Posted on:2019-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545988521Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Contemporary writer Makanin?Vladimir's novel “The Underground,or a hero of our time” is one of the masterpieces of Russian post realism literature.In this novel,the author skillfully brings all kinds of characters to Moscow,showing their different fate under the dual regulation of totalitarian system and western consumption culture.The writer use sharp strokes to describe the social situation and conflict before and after the Soviet Union's “disintegration”.As the research category of “Moscow subject and text”,this thesis will be of realistic perspective,through the path of city poetry,through a series of figures,Moscow city image's “Gestalt”,“Modernity”theme three aspects to explore the “Moscow writing” of “The Underground,or a hero of our time” to understand the author's deep concern and thinking about the fate of Russia before and after “disintegration”.In addition to the introduction and conclusion,this paper is divided into three chapters,and the three chapters are all the focus of the discussion.The introduction part introduces the development and characteristics of Russian post realist literature,the text research of “The Underground,or a hero of our time”,the research summary of Moscow theme and text,and the characteristics and innovations of the thesis.The first chapter summarizes the series of images of Moscow characters in“The Underground,or a hero of our time”.Under the post realism time and space system,“Contemporary underground man” not only continues the image characterristics of the “Chatski” of the strange man in Moscow,but also inherits the traditional essence of the “underground man”,and also has the contemporary characteristics of “wandering”.Choosing the marginalized state of existence and resolutely resisting the mainstream ideology that stifle individuality,so as to defend spiritual freedom is its profound connotation.“Contemporary morecharin” is the traditional “Morecharin” in the flattery.The modern variant of the nature of image,such as greet,mercenary and so on,changed their faith at any time,betrayed their own personality and swayed on the balance of interest.As the defender of the totalitarian system,“The man who tries to hunt for power” was not a genuine supporter of the system,but a vested interest in the “whistle” and “snoop”.“The devil bride” is a desire to indulge in the body or fame and wealth,and harm the spiritual freedom of men in Moscow.The second chapter discusses the “Gestalt” of Moscow's urban image in “The Underground,or a hero of our time”.This chapter uses “Gestalt” psychology to explain the deep implication of the city image in Moscow: the source of totalitarianism and the “Second Babylon” is the “Gestalt” of Moscow's social space,which highlights the nature of the Russian traditional culture being eroded by modernity and is reduced to “the city of death”.But the “Gestalt” of Moscow natural space is talented in the cultural implication of the “holy city”,and has always echoed the variations of “Moscow,the third Rome” in different times.Obviously,the two contradict each other.Moscow gradually collapsed from “Eternal city” to “The city of death”.However,the emergence of the “Contemporary underground man” of spiritual freedom shows that Moscow will break free from the confinement of “The city of death”,and “The city of Kitezh” will come to the world again.The third chapter abstracts the theme of “Modernity” in “The underground,or a hero of our time”,the mutual molding of city and man,the contradiction between the individual freedom and the totalitarian system,the freedom and the good and the evil of the man.Through the exploration of the above three themes,we can conclude Makanin's post realism answer to the question of “where Russia is going”: the works deconstruct the society full of totalitarianism and materialism before and after the“disintegration”,and tries to reconstruct a Russian future emphasizing spiritual freedom by virtue of “contemporary underground man”.However,the “Contemporary underground man” maintains the personality and freedom by means of evil,and can not solve the slavery of the totalitarian ideology and the cultural logic of the post consumerism from the source,and will only create a greater evil.Therefore,they are not the “Contemporary hero” to rescue Russia,and they can not point out the way of development for the chaotic Russia in the “disintegration” era.But the emergence of“Contemporary underground man” is a useful attempt to choose Russia's modernized road,and the spirit of self-interest in exchange for spiritual freedom will push Russia farther in the future.The concluding part summarizes the meaning of “Moscow writing” in the Russian Literature “Moscow tradition” from the perspective of post realism.
Keywords/Search Tags:“The Underground,or a hero of our time”, post realism, Moscow, Petrovich, modernity
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