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Research On Some Issues In Lijia System And Lijia Service In Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2019-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545984385Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lijia system is a hot issue in the study of Ming Dynasty.The historical data is too brief for Lijia system,which causes scholars to have different understandings of the meaning of historical texts.There are disputes over the internal organizational structure and the form of Lijia.Based on the research on the identity of Guoquan in the relocation project of Ji County in Hongwus,this article believes that the Lijia of Early Ming consists of 10 jia heads and 100 ordinary households.The official version of the system does not involve ordinary people.It does not follow the turn of Jia,nor does it have a method of service that results in ten from every Jia per year.The wheel system was created with the increase in the burden on Lijia.It was not the system that existed at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty.Ordinary households have gradually been referred to as Jia Head because they are due to serve.Liang Fangzhong's two-point rule concerning the Li Head of the Service Year and the No Service Year does not provide an overview of the functions of the Li Head.In this paper,through the inspection of Jiangxi Province,the three-point method of Li Head in the service year,Li Head of requisition of food,and Li Head of year in years is proposed.In the service year,Li Head go to the official government without regard to do requisition of food,and the Li Head of requisition of food is responsible for requisition of food in the whole Li instead of the official affairs.The requisition of food and the official affairs are separate and move toward unity.The supply of materials and local public funds is not the responsibility of Lijia at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty.Before a whip law reform,Jiangxi Lijia experienced the Han Yong method,Yu Zhao Ding And Food Inclusive,and Sheng Yingqi Lijia-average reform.The financial burden has shifted from distribution within the Li to distribution based on grain and people,the scope of review has expanded from one county to one city,and has expanded from one year to ten years.However,it has not changed the way in which the Lijia service is used.This article discusses in detail the reasons,methods,advantages and disadvantages of the reform,and focuses on the analysis of the changes in the reform ideas,and clarifies some of the details of previous studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lijia, Li Head, Jia Head, Jiangxi, Average
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