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The Chronicle Of Qu Hongji's Life

Posted on:2019-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545982909Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Qu Hongji(1850-1918),whose another name is Zijiu,designation called Zhian,in his old age,he got a designation called Xiyan old man.His native place is Shanhua in Hunan province.Qu Hongji lived through the governor of Daoguang,Xianfeng,Tongzhi,Guangxu,Xuantong until the period of the Republic of China.In Guangxu twenty-seven years,Qu Hongji became one of grand councillors in the royal and he hold this appointment up to seven years.He was an important figure in the late Qing dynasty politics.He also was an eyewitness of society and political in the late Qing dynasty.Qu Hongji was concerned about his country and his people,he is a principled and honest person.In a foul atomsphere of the late Qing dynasty,he kept his personality,just like the lotus flower live in the silt but not imbrued.There was no doubt that Qu Hongji did make a certain contribution to the late Qing dynasty.At the same time,in the aspect of literature,he was was a pity that because of various kinds of reason,almost nobody know him now,let alone deep research him.As a result,he was slipped from people's memory little by little.In this thesis,I choose the form of chronicle.Mainly by means of studying the works of Qu Hongji,his relatives and friends,supplemented with gazetteers,genealogy,archives,newspapers,journal and letters and so on.I choose to layout the host' life story year after year,try to show the real life of Qu Hongji,including the development of his ideology in his reading studying,politics performance and social contact.In this way,I want to reveal his uncommon personal charisma and his contribution in the late Qing dynasty.The chronicle records Qu' whole life,it can be roughly divided into five period:First period,from 1850 to 1865,during which Qu's age ranges from one to sixteen.During this time,Qu start learning and he mainly received education from his family especially his father.Second period,from 1866 to 1875,during which Qu's age ranges from seventeen to twenty-six.In this time,he took many examinations and his political career progressed step by step.This time was Qu's Career Progress Time.Third period,from 1876 to 1900,during which Qu's age ranges from twenty-seven to fifty-one.In this time,he host test in five different province,insisted to select talent for the country.This time was Qu's Steady Official Time.Forth period,from 1876 to 1907,during which Qu's age ranges from fifty-two to fifty-eight.In this time,Qu was grand councillor and he got the recognition from the emperor and empress dowager.He also attended many important events.This time I call it's Qu's Prosperity Time.Fifth period,from 1908 to 1918,during which Qu's age ranges from fifty-nine to sixty-nine.It consists of the time during his living in Hunan and living in Shanghai.This time he rarely participated in political activities though took part in literary activities frequently.In this time he had many literary work and I call this time is his Prolong Life Joyfully.In addition,before the main body of this chronicle,I add a summarize of Qu in oder to offer an availability approach to understand Qu macroscopically.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hongji's
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