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A Research On Unearthed Pottery In Shajing Culture

Posted on:2019-08-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545980650Subject:Cultural relics and museums
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shajing culture refers to the remains of artifacts represented by the binaural-bottomed pots,wide-shank and large-single-ear cups,pots,and pots found in Shajingzi Village,Minqin County,Gansu Province.The age is equivalent to the middle period of the Western Zhou Dynasty to the late Spring and Autumn Period in the Central Plains Region.It is mainly distributed between the Minqin Oasis and the Yongchang Basin between the Badan Jaran Desert and the Tengger Desert.This article systematically sorts out the various types of manhole culture remains unearthed from sites such as Jinchang Triangle City,Minqin Liuhu Pier and Huoshi Beach.It was found that the remains unearthed from Shajing Cultural Sites near Shajingzi of Minqin were basically stone tools and pottery.There were no bronze wares.However,the Shajing Cultural Relics in Jinchang Triangle City had the largest number of unearthed bronze wares,followed by pottery and less stone tools,among which the number of bronze medals was used.At most,style is rich.It is believed that Shajing Cultural Site in Shajingzi District of Minqin County should be earlier than Shajing Cultural Site in the vicinity of Jinchang Delta City.On the basis of previous research,this article takes the manhole pottery of manhole culture as the research object,and sorts and classifies the manhole culture typical pottery unearthed at each site in order to understand the shape change and ornamentation of pottery unearthed from manhole culture.The analysis of the cases with the largest number of occurrences of nail studs was conducted to explore the causes of the occurrence and the social conditions reflected.There are many man-made potteries uncovered in manhole culture.The comparative analysis of the pottery unearthed from the typical sites of Caitao and Siba culture unearthed from manhole culture is used to explore the similarities between the sculptural characteristics of the pottery from the four dam cultures and the types of ornamentation in the manhole culture.Differences,preliminary analysis of the dynamic process of the pottery culture in the development of manhole culture and Siba culture.And found that manhole culture pottery may inherit and develop some of the elements of the pottery culture in the Siba culture.From the discovery and research history of the manhole culture remains to the classification and comparison of the types and textures of the pottery,it was found that the manhole pottery in the manhole culture mainly consisted of flat bottomers,followed by pots and individual tripods,beans,bowls and pots.And spoons and so on.Classifiers are single and change is not obvious.The pattern is dominated by geometric patterns,and there are also a few animal patterns,of which the pattern of birds and birds is the most characteristic.On the other hand,it also reflects the ecological environment where the Shajing residents lived.The comprehensive research on the type and decoration of pottery unearthed from manhole culture not only clarifies the cultural connotation of manhole culture,but also is of great significance to the history of pottery development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shajing Culture, pottery, vessel shape, Grain
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