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The Writing Of "Landscape" In Li Juan's Works

Posted on:2019-12-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545972955Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the writer of "People's Literature" magazine published with the "People's Land and Actors" writing plan,many of the existing interpretations of Li Juan are based on the"non-fictional" basis.However,only the work of "Winter Farm" is supported by a writing plan and go to the winter pastures to live through the winter together with the pastoralists.Whether if Li Juan is famous for "Goat Trails" trilogy or the subsequent practice of writing,it can be said that Juan did not deliberately follow along.The "non-fictional" road is advancing or is intentionally freed from this label.Returning to the starting point of Li Juan's writing trajectory,her debut novel "Nine Pieces of Snow" was written down in the gap between taking care of her grandmother while working in the provincial capital of Urumqi.The novel record was nothing more than the past life story of her and her family and her inner portrayal.Li Juan has also shown that the several works depicting pastoral life are actually more difficult than the descriptions of the individual's inner "Nine Pieces of Snow" and "Singing while Walking in the Night".Even in the "Goat Trails" trilogy works that are crowned with"non-fiction" masterpiece,sometimes it is possible to peek at the mommet when LiJuan lloking up at the vast universe.She walks in the nature and thinks about the nature.The vast landscape has inspired Li Juan who has lived here for a long time.And her writing is rooted in this.It can be said that Li Juan's identity is "in" and "not in".As such she didn't only set limits for herself to walk on the land of Xinjiang,but also enrich her experience of knowing all kinds of people and their joys and sorrows,not just treating them as the simple symbol of"Kazakh" and "Herders".In her opinion,on this seemingly desolate land,the forests,villages,and streams are all vividly accompanied by the tinges of people.The two party are in contrast.Without any party,they are not Li Juan's "landscapes." In addition,Li Juan said that although she had depended on the convenience of her life in the city,she did not express the slightest disgust or dissatisfaction with the pastures,the mountains,the Gobi,and the underdevelopment of the desert.On the contrary,she was constantly passing all sorts of so-called modernization through this relatively underdeveloped life.However,it is different with that only condemning environmental protection,what Li Juan is aware of and what she is thinking about is more about the dignity of the life which has been damaged.Li Juan's "landscape" is not only comes from the outside but also comes from her plentiful inner world.Someone doubted that she will be unable to write after she has overdrawn the pasture experience.However,the open minded public reply from LiJuan,her latest work and a consistent style of work prove that Li Juan has unlimited space to explore within herself.Perhaps that she would not create a monumental masterpiece,nor would she be a literary omnipotent writer.However,judging from the works she has published,she still has a long way to write.She will also present a richer landscape for readers and scholars."--whether on the land of Xinjiang or in her personal spiritual world."...
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Juan, Landscape, Nature
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