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On Martin Heidegger's "Das Nichts"

Posted on:2019-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S F ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545967836Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Western philosophy always paying attention to Being and neglecting Nothingness from Parmenides of Elea.The problem of Nothingness has been lying on the table for a long time until it is reconsidered by Martin Heidegger.At the opening of An Introduction to Metaphysics,Martin Heidegger asked the question,“Why does the Being exist and Nothingness doesn't exist?(Warum ist überhaupt etwas und nicht vielmehr Nichts?)” At the reconsideration of the Nothingness,it is regarded as a new road.Nothingness and Being always being considered at the same time.The depth of the thinking of Nothingness depend the depth of the thinking of Being.The mode of thinking that the western thought has established since Plato is“Being = Universal = Certainty” and only Universal can be determined.There is no certainty or existence beyond the Universal.The first chapter of this paper “The philosopher's exposition of Nothingness before Heidegger” described the opinion of different philosopher in the history of western philosophy.This chapter laid foundations for further research on the Nothingness of Heidegger.The second chapter of this paper “The Nothingness,a revelation from Anxiety” analyzed Heidegger's opinion of Nothingness(Das Nichts).This chapter make it clear of the concept of Nothingness,the usage of Nothingness and the origin of Nothingness(The Nothingness is a revelation from Anxiety).The third chapter of this paper “The Nothingness' s meaning of the existentialism of Das Sein” described the influence of Nothingness(Born to die)and the Nothingness' s transcendence horizons.The forth chapter of this paper “The attitude of science to the Nothingness” described Heidegger's opinion about the altitude of science to the Nothingness.On the one hand science want to totally escape from the dilemma of Nothingness,on the other hand science need the broad background of Nothingness.The object-oriented way of thinking has caused devastating damage to the living environment of human beings,which makes the human beings homeless.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nichts, Being, Anxiety, Death, Science
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