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A Report On Translation Of Rice Production Worldwide(chapter One)

Posted on:2019-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The source text of this translation report is selected from the first chapter of Rice Production Worldwide,“ Current Status,Challenges and Opportunities in Rice Production”.In order to be in compliance with the original style and structure,convey the original information more accurately,objectively and professionally,the translator has made pre-translation preparations including reading agriculture monographs such as Rice Planting Divisionin China and Super Hybrid Rice Seed Production Techniques,to deepen understanding of the rice planting industry and master background knowledge,so that the output will be more in line with the Chinese expression language.Terms such as semi-professional terms,professional terms,proper nouns,etc.,are translated using transliteration,free translation and other methods.The translation methods of long sentences,such as attributive clauses are summarizes,and multiple syntactic translation techniques are explored.This report consists of four chapters: The first chapter introduces the original source,the original content,the author's profile and other information;the second chapter introduces the author's pre-translation preparation,translation process and post-translation review process;the third chapter focuses on case studies of vocabulary and sentence translation.The fourth chapter is the conclusion,reflecting on the inadequacies of the translated manuscript and summing up the translator's translation experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rice Production Worldwide, Translation Report, Case Analysis
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