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A Brief Analysis Of Bamboo Flute Concerto <Xue Yi Duan Oiao> And The Performance Inspiration

Posted on:2019-04-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H CongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545489138Subject:School of music and dance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the rive of five-thousand-year history of China,time breeds the splendid national culture.The continuous development of national music indeed promotes the development of national instrumental music.As one of the most important part of Chinese traditional national music instrument,bamboo flute is one of the most attractive and charming national wind instrument.Bamboo flute has been appreciated by many men of literature and writing since the Tang-Song Dynasties,which also appears in verses,ditties,odes and songs.Since the establishment of People's Republic of China,bamboo flute has received further inheritance and development.The rapid development of bamboo flute can't be separated with its root-it is the excellent Chinese culture and traditional folk art that have been inherited for thousands of years.When viewing the works of bamboo flute music in recent few decades of years,no matter with the traditional local style or the new creation mode,it finds that these music materials always derive from different regional folk songs,traditional Chinese operas,folk tunes and so on.As one of the most famous contemporary composer,Mr.Liu Xijin creates many excellent national musical compositions.His bamboo flute concerto <Xue Yi Duan Qiao> is one of the most outstanding bamboo flute works in recent years.In the paper,the author will comprehensively analyze the work through elaborating the creation background,comparatively analyzing performance style,explaining the dramatic intonation applications in the music and presenting the performance inspirations,etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bamboo flute, Liu Xijin, <, Xue Yi Duan Qiao>, , Performance Style, Inspiration
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