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Reach The Top Of The Dream

Posted on:2019-10-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rigorous graduation concert without rigorous graduation design,graduation concert embodies the voice of science method in the design of the master degree and for Chinese and foreign vocal music works a second creation of innovative and speaking ability.For the realization of the theoretical level to the technical transformation,must be comprehensive and systematic to four years of undergraduate and graduate students for three years to master the knowledge and skills of integration and achieve mastery through a comprehensive study.Concert foothold in the world cultural diversity,a large number of study,study and explore,gradually grasp the nationalities of the world and China,a variety of different types of vocal music,broadens the space of the selection work,enrich the concert works.Contains its China,France,Italy,Germany,Russia and other excellent vocal music works in different countries,not only involved in and learn the language in different countries,different national music culture,and shows the different countries and varied music style,and even further combed the history of Chinese and foreign music.In fully understand the era background,the writer's creative intention,for Chinese and foreign classic second creation truly have the culture.Graduation design is divided into four parts:One,foreword;Second,the whole concert conceived and proposed concert repertoire;Three,sung by two degrees creation—the combination of vocal music skills and emotional interpretation for the key songs to singFour,meaning and value to the concert.
Keywords/Search Tags:Graduation design, Scientific method, The Chinese and foreign vocal music classic second creation
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