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The Contribution Of The British Female In The Second World War

Posted on:2019-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545482763Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Second World War was a universal war of all nations.In order to resist the enemy's defence,the British people generally participated in the war.However,the traditional view of war history of “woman away from war” often overlooks and even obscures the figure and contribution of ordinary women.The historical facts of women's participation in the war in Britain have also been subjected to covert treatment.We use the theory of gender to discuss the contributions of British women and select the three major groups that have representative significance-female laborers in military factories,active female soldiers,and female musicians in wartime concerts.As representatives,by writing and describing their labor contributions,they highlighted their undeniable contribution to the production of logistics and military supplies,construction of the British air defense system,participation in major military activities,and the promotion of national unity through the use of musical forms.Britain achieved the promotion of the victory of the anti-fascist war and rethought the wartime construction of their image.This will undoubtedly help to face up to the fact that women and men have jointly safeguarded the historical facts about national interests and national unity in wartime,thereby further deepening our understanding of the Second World War Civil War.While praising the contribution of British women,it must be recognized that recruiting into the military or entering the field of employment is only a wartime necessity.Women's contributions have not broken through the traditional concept of patriarchy within the “male-outside,female-inside”.The government promotes the social model of “male-outside,female-inside” and the public opinion think women will return to the home after the war.These phenomena and facts all reflect the negative influence of the patriarchal concept on the status of women.The changes brought about by World War II have not completely changed.the traditional social role of women.
Keywords/Search Tags:World War ?, Britain, women, contribution
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