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A Report On E-C Translation Of "The Detection Of Gravitational Waves"

Posted on:2019-09-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z P ChenFull Text:PDF
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Gravitational wave is the concept in Einstein's general relativity which is short of experimental verification.Its discovery is not only a milestone of physics,but also is vital for human beings to make exploration of the universe and have a clear understanding of the time and space.Due to the lack of Chinese articles about gravitational wave while a large amount of English articles,the E-C translation task “The Detection of Gravitational Waves” was chosen in this report.The task is an academic paper on the topic of gravitational waves,which was published in Lecture Notes in Physics,volume 617,by Springer,Berlin,Heidelbergin.The entrusting party of this task is Sun Yanjun,supervisor of postgraduates in College of Physics and Electronic Engineering,Northwest Normal University.With the guidance of Peter Newmark's text typology theory and in accordance with the features of the source text,various translation methods and techniques were adopted in the translation process.The author also made summary on informative text's translation difficulties as well as their solutions hoping to provide references for further studies.The report consists of introduction,task description,translation process,case analysis and conclusion.In introduction,the author mainly introduced the background and significance of the assignment.The second part is the task description.This part focuses on source of translation task,analysis of the source text including text type,lexical features,syntactic features,discourse features and entrusting party's requirements.The next part is translation process,including before translation,while translation and after translation.In before translation process,the author described preparations for background information,translation tools and resources,choices and analysis of parallel texts,translation theory,translation methods and techniques as well as translation plan and glossary.While translation process includes the translation process and the revisions on the target text by the entrusting party and revisor.In the process of after translation,the author presented evaluation from the entrusting party,revisor and herself.The fourth part is case analysis and it is the main body of the report.In this part,the author analyzed the application of translation methods and techniques in translation process in the aspects of lexical,grammar and discourse.The fifth part is the conclusion,which summarizes the problems that the author has not solved in translation process,consideration of the translation of scientific papers as well as inspiration and prospect for the future work.
Keywords/Search Tags:text type, semantic translation, communication translation, translation techniques
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