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The Use Of New Media For Junior High School Students' English Learning And Its Influence On Learning Styles

Posted on:2018-08-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiuFull Text:PDF
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With the development of information technology,human society has entered the era of new media.In this new era,the channel of information acquisition is becoming richer and richer,and the learner's learning style is becoming more and more diverse.For junior high school students in adolescence,they are curious,willing to accept new things,so they naturally become one of the main audiences of the new media.Their use of new media in English learning will inevitably lead to the corresponding changes in their English learning styles,and this kind of change will have a series of influences on English Teaching in junior high school.Therefore,this article will start from junior high school students in the use of new media in English learning,investigation and study of the impact of new media on junior high school students' English learning styles.By means of questionnaires,the author makes an actual measurement of the English learning styles of junior high school students in the context of new media.I hope to understand the specific changes in the new media era of junior high school students' English learning occurred,so as to provide some inspiration for the new media under the background of English Teaching in junior middle school,also hope to the junior middle school English teaching has some practical guidance.This paper mainly contains the following three parts:Part I: the formulation and implementation of research programs.After the questionnaire survey was carried out,the author made a survey of the use of new media by junior high school students in English learning.Part II: the investigation result analysis.Firstly,the author describes the use of new media in junior middle school students' English learning,and then analyzes the impact of new media use on English learning styles of junior high school students.Part III: the research conclusion and teaching suggestions.In view of the changes of English learning styles of junior high school students under the background of new media and the impact of the use of new media on the English learning styles of junior high school students,the author puts forward some teaching suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:English learning, the use of new media, learning style, junior high school students
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