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On Inexpressible Thought In Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Posted on:2019-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D XiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545472997Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Inexpressible" is Wittgenstein's idea in his masterpiece Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.It covers such concepts as "logical form","object" and "ethics"."Wittgenstein has a very concise account of it and it is fairly difficult to understand those concepts.For Wittgenstein,the main idea of the Tractatus is to draw the line between "sayable" and " inexpressible",and "inexpressible" things are more important than "sayable" things.To some extent,the concept of "inexpressible" is a bridge to communicate Wittgenstein's linguistic criticism and ethical values.Therefore,the thought of "inexpressible" plays a very important role in Tractatus.First of all,as mentioned above,the "inexpressible" idea covers the concepts of "logical form","object",and "ethics" in Tractatus,which cannot be described by words.In the world,"object" is the end of semantic analysis,it makes logical world possible;"logical form" makes our language have the ability to represent the logical world again,unifying language and logic world.Outside the world,the "self" cannot be said.It connects Wittgenstein's ethical ideas with the logic world.Wittgenstein did wrote Tractatus from the point of ethical view.Although ethical thoughts cannot be said,Wittgenstein opened up his "transcendent"metaphysical way through this negative description;"God" exists outside the world,but through this transcendent way we can feel the existence of God from our lives.Second,we cannot use language to talk about the "inexpressible",but it does not mean that the"inexpressible" is far from us.They can show themsieves for us through the display.The objects and the objects mentioned above Logical forms can only be displayed with the help of words,while the other concepts are displayed through mystical experiences.Third,there are indeed many mysterious things that cannot be said in Tractatus.The relationship between the"inexpressible" thoughts and mysticism and metaphysics in Tractatus has always been a hot topic of discussion among researchers.Wittgenstein's "traditional interpretation" represented by Hacker,they believe that Wittgenstein is a thoroughly metaphysician who believes that the things behind Wittgenstein's words are metaphysical truths;represented by Diamond.The New reading which is represented by Diamond argues that Wittgenstein is a thoroughly anti-metaphysical philosopher who understands the entire "Tractatus" from the perspective of semantics.This article criticizes the above two viewpoints and maintains that Wittgenstein proposed a "transcendent metaphysics" and based on this,re-examined the attitude toward Chinese culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ludwig Wittgenstein, inexpressible, mysticism, metaphysics, traditional reading, new reading
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