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On The Translation Of Dialogues In Black English From The Perspective Of Relevance Translation Theory

Posted on:2019-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330545466378Subject:Foreign Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Just as Norman Page points out,"dialogue in a fiction may help to develop a 'plot' and enrich the reader's understanding of 'character' and'background' whilst no other manner of presentation could provide".It is by abundant dialogues that the writer presents the character of people and depicts the figures,thus revealing the theme of the works.As we all know,there are a large number of dialogues in the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin not only between black people but also between the black and the white.Black English has been an important part of English in that it is greatly different from Standard English in phonology,syntax and lexicon.After the abolition of slavery,the status of black people has been improved a lot.Its distinct culture such as language,music and literature has gained more and more concerns.In the aspect of Black English,many scholars have done research on the phonological,lexical and grammatical characteristics of Black English and the differences between Black English and Standard English.Relevance Theory interprets communication from a cognitive point of view.Applying the relevance theory to translation studies elevates translation to a psychological level of communication.As dialogues play a very important role in novel and the Relevance Translation Theory regards translation activities as ternary interaction among the original author,the translator and the target language readers,it is extremely feasible to apply Relevance Translation Theory into the study of dialogue translation.The thesis explores the dialogue translation of Black English through a comprehensive study of translation of dialogues in Uncle Tom's Cabin.Through a comprehensive research,the author finds it is very practical and significant to analyze the translation of dialogues especially that of Black English under the guidance of Relevance Translation Theory.After analyzing in detail the translation of dialogues of Black English in Uncle Tom's Cabin based on Relevance Translation Theory,the author points out that in translation it is difficult to keep all characteristics of Black English in the source text;to acquire adequate contextual effect and avoid unnecessary processing efforts by target readers,the translator should choose to ignore many mistakes of Black English such as phonetic ones and preserve some mistaken uses of words and grammar;and as the source language differs a lot from the target language,proper linguistic choices have to be made so as to present the communicative and informative intentions of the original in the target language.The author of the this thesis hopes that the application of Relevance Translation Theory to the translation of dialogues in Black English can enrich the research on the translation of the literary works in Black English.
Keywords/Search Tags:Relevance Translation Theory, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Black English, Dialogues Translation
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