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From The Creation Of The Realistic Painting Of The Realistic Painting Of The Present Situation Of Rethought

Posted on:2019-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z CuiFull Text:PDF
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This paper attempts to explore the influence of the constituent elements of modern painting language on oil painting creation.By interpreting and understanding modern painting language,we can explain the feelings and realizations of the painter in his graduation work.The composition of painting is divided into plane,color,space,and other components(historical background,painting medium,regional difference,painter's personal habits,etc.),and separate several subtitles in each constituent plate for specific understanding and discussion,focusing on points,lines,and special symbols in the flat surface.The significance of the sign and metaphor;the use of light and color,bright and dark,complementary color and contrast color in the color composition;the perspective relationship and the three-dimensional relationship in the space composition,through deep understanding,deepen self understanding of the composition,and achieve the purpose of learning to use.In the graduation creation "space series",several factors in the composition of painting are used to express the thinking and positioning of different stages and different states of life by using concrete expression forms.According to the content of the picture,it conveys a spiritual connotation for the viewers.This article is divided into three parts: introduction,text and conclusion.The introduction introduces the reason and the significance of the topic,and the main body is divided into three chapters.First,it introduces the definition and characteristics of the composition,as well as the use of the composition in different forms of oil painting;second,describes the presentation of the composition of the oil painting in the outstanding works of the predecessors,as well as the conceptual inspiration and practical orientation to his own creation.Third,sum up creative feelings,talk about their shortcomings and efforts.The conclusion part summarizes the foregoing,points out the theme again,and emphasizes the re recognition of the importance of the importance of painting.As to the composition of painting,it does not provide the art creation program we can refer to,but provides a flexible artistic concept and perspective to remind us of the factors that excellent paintings should have,as well as the importance of thinking,widening artistic thinking and road.
Keywords/Search Tags:painting constitution, plane, color and space
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