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Why Is The Naked?

Posted on:2013-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When we review the history of Western art was found naked,in which occupies a very important position,body shape,contour,the muscle shape and so on have been artists interested in,which has formed the scale huge nude art.From the primitive ancestors used as ritual Wicca small nude figurines to modern art appearing nude image colors,naked body or bare body has been constantly writing and discusses the object,why is the naked?On the art of the audience and the general public,artistic nude or naked itself is what mean?This paper stresses the nude art under the concept that undertakes combing,to discuss the contemporary art and video art in the medium of nude and tradition known as the naked nude art heritage and differences,further analysis of video art as late twentieth Century emerging media in nude and naked to the creation of unique and difference.
Keywords/Search Tags:nude, art video, difference, identity, Gender, Politics
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