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Research On Passive Safety Mechanism Of Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Exoskeleton System

Posted on:2020-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The upper extremity rehabilitation exoskeleton system is an important tool for the exercise training of stroke patients,and has important scientific and social significance.It can realize the exercise rehabilitation treatment between the patient-exoskeletontherapist in a variety of control modes,improve the patient's motor function and even achieve neurological remodeling.In view of the safety of upper extremity exoskeleton robots in the rehabilitation process of patients,the main research of this thesis is as follows:Firstly,this thesis studies the measurement method of sagittal stiffness of human upper extremity shoulder joint.During exercise rehabilitation,the sagittal stiffness of the shoulder joint of the human has an effect on the movement of the upper extremity rehabilitation exoskeleton system.In order to research the influence of human on the stability of the exoskeleton system for the upper extremity rehabilitation system,the human shoulder joint vector is measured through experiments.The stiffness of the surface is measured to reflect the ability of the shoulder joint torque.Based to the non-negative matrix algorithm,the paper analyzes the proportion of the shoulder joint muscles in the critical moment state,the proportion of the shoulder joint muscles,and the state of the human shoulder joint muscles at different angles.Secondly,when the upper extremity rehabilitation of the exoskeleton system loses power,the upper extremity rehabilitation exoskeleton system will lose its “intelligence” and the safety state will be broken.The paper studies the passive safe mechanism of upper extremity rehabilitation exoskeleton.The(6+1)degrees of freedom upper extremity rehabilitation exoskeleton system needs to be modeled from kinematics,inverse kinematics and exercise space.In the simulation software environment,the control performance of the upper extremity rehabilitation exoskeleton system's exercise ability and range of motion is studied and described,and data is provided for human-machine coupling.The gravity compensation spring device was designed to improve the passive safety of the upper extremity rehabilitation exoskeleton system.Through the experimental analysis of the joint movement angle of the exoskeleton system,the shoulder joint force and the upper extremity force,the data were analyzed to verify the gravity compensation spring device for upper extremity rehabilitation.The effects of the exoskeleton system and the human body.Finally,this paper designs and builds some platforms to verify the above algorithms and schemes to draw data conclusions to verify and guide the design and implementation of the upper extremity rehabilitation exoskeleton system,and introduces the four subsystems of the upper extremity rehabilitation exoskeleton system.At the same time,the realization of the gravity compensation spring device of the upper extremity rehabilitation exoskeleton system is described.
Keywords/Search Tags:upper extremity exoskeleton system, stroke, shoulder stiffness, gravity compensation, exoskeleton safety
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