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Lineage(Rgyud)of Traditional Tibetan Medicine

Posted on:2020-11-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T XiFull Text:PDF
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In this study,we divided classical Tibetan medicine lineage(rgyud)into three different approaches: government support,mMan pa grwatshang(the monastic medicin colleges),and folk practice.This thesis mainly focuses on the last approach,folk lineage(rgyud),meaning doctors teach their family members or apprentices,and is based on the case studies of Sgo thar family and Rdzong sar Medical Organization in sDe dge area,Kadze Tibetan Autonomous prececture in PRC.Besides the studies of Classic texts such as “rGyud-bzhi”(The Four Tantras),as a prestigious Tibetan medical doctor he or she has to learn through direct observation,the guidance of teachers and the accumulation of experience to achieve the state of medical practice.Furthermore,it needs the support of rituals such as “dbang lung”(empowerment)and “Man ngag”(secret instruction)etc,which ensure to acquire the“lineage”.Teachers also strictly select the objects to be taught and spread some knowledge through a secret way,so as to ensure that the basic ideas of medicine bringing welfare to all beings and will not be decayed or misused.The well-cherished Tibetan medical ethics are also discussed,when traditional culture and Buddhist theories provide the basis for the high moral standard of medical ethics.In today's society,folk lineage is faced with many new problems like modern medicine.Nevertheless,better approaches of how to utilize the abundant conventional wisdom and how to make the take the most advantages of them,are still to be explored.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tibetan medicine, rGyud(lineage), Sgo thar Family, Rdzong sar Medical Organization
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