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Ancient Chinese Medicine Literature Research On LaTea

Posted on:2020-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330578970315Subject:TCM History and Literature
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Nowadays,tea,as a widely accepted drink,plays an important role in daily health care.Chinese people often say:"open the door seven things,firewood,rice,oil,salt,sauce,vinegar and tea.Drinking tea is an indispensable part of the lives of most Chinese people.La Tea,also known as "Wax Tea" and "Miancha Wax',is a kind of Be iyuan tribute tea which appeared in the Tang Dynasty.It is a complex an d sophisticated production,in the context of the tribute system,the emerg ence of La Tea was only for the enjoyment of relatives of the emperor an d the upper classes of society.It was not recorded in the literature of tra ditional Chinese medicine in Tang Dynasty.In Song Dynasty,it began to a ppear in prescription books as a kind of medicine.In the vast data of tea-containing prescriptions since the Song Dynasty,La Tea,as a kind of tea with high utilization rate,plays an important role in health care.The pur pose of this study is to collect and sort out the prescriptions related to L a Tea in the prescriptions since Song Dynasty,and to explore their efficac y in order to play a role in today's society.The main part of this study is based on the existing ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine in the Song,Jin and Yuan Dynasties,Ming and Qing Dynasties,with the keywords of "La Tea","Miancha Wax","Beiyu an Tribute Tea","Tuan Tea" and "Jian Cha" to collect the prescription info rmation related to La Tea.Through collecting and sorting out the ancient Chinese medicine literature,we can get the necessary research data,study the application of Chinese medicine in La Tea,explore the main efficacy o f La Tea,and explore its significance of health care.Data collection methods:Define the appellation of La Tea and deter mine key words.After textual research,with the key words of " La Tea ","Wax Tea","Miancha Wax","Jian Cha" and "Beiyuan Tea",all the ancient b ooks of TCM collected before 1919 in the Chinese Medical Code were retr ieved,and the ancient books of TCM related to keywords collected on the websites of the main libraries of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chin ese Medicine,the Library of Peking University,the National Library and th e Capital Library were retrieved.After collecting and sorting out,77 ancie nt books and 428 prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine containing La Tea were collected.Among them,17 ancient books of Song Dynasty an d 152 prescriptions;6 ancient books of Jin and Yuan Dynasty and 18 pre scriptions;25 ancient books of Ming Dynasty and 179 prescriptions;6 anc ient books of Qing Dynasty and 9 prescriptions.Data classification and analysis methods:All the prescriptions related to La Cha in the collected data were sorted out.The collection of tea formul as containing wax was sorted according to the order of publication of anc ient books and then reorganized.Based on the ancient books published ea rlier,we retrieve the same prescriptions in the later ancient books and de lete them again.It can be divided into the following three situations:First,prescriptions with the same name and composition are regarded as dupli cates and future prescriptions are deleted.Second,drug composition,same dosage and different prescription names should be regarded as the same prescription,and future prescriptions should be deleted.Such as "Standard s for diagnosis and treatment" in the records of the nameless prescription"Spine Date Seed one liang,La Tea two liang...The drug composition and dose of "decoction without time and temperature" are exactly the same as that of "Sheng ji zong lu",so the prescription in "syndrome treatment crit eria miscellaneous diseases" will be deleted.Third,Prescriptions with diffe rent drug composition and the same name of prescriptions are regarded a s different prescriptions and retained.For example,two "Xiongqiong San" r ecorded in the "Sheng ji zona lu".One is composed of Xiongqiong,gypsum,asarum,Schizonepeta spike,liquorice,radix aconiti agrestis and LaTea;the o ther is composed of Xiongqiong,sedge root,gypsum,borneol,Schizonepeta and La Tea,Both prescriptions have the same name but different composit ion and are retained.After remodeling,34 ancient books and 216 prescrip tions of traditional Chinese medicine containing La Tea were collected.Am ong them,17 ancient books of Song Dynasty and 149 prescriptions;3 anc ient books of Jin and Yuan Dynasty and 7 prescriptions;10ancient books of Ming Dynasty and 51 prescriptions;6ancient books of Qing Dynasty an d 9 prescriptions.The main body of this paper is divided into four parts:The first part is a summary.This paper collects and collates the pape rs and works related to La Tea,MianCha Wax,TributeTea,Beiyuan Tea,Jia ncha Tea since the records of cnki and Duxiu Knowledge Search Database.It reviews the research status in various fields related to La Tea,sorts ou t the research basis of this paper,and provides ideas for the research of this paper.The second part is the body.1.Brief description of La Tea.Including the determination of La Tea varieties,the emergence of La Tea era,historical and cultural background.To explore the method of making La Tea and its application and develop ment in non-medical fields such as society and culture.2.Introduce the origin and development of the medicinal use of La T ea.It is divided into four parts:Song Dynasty,Jin and Yuan Dynasty,Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty.(1)To sort out the records of different periods of La Tea in the boo ks.Ancient books collected include:"Bo ji fang","Sheng ji zong lu","Presc riptions People's Welfare Pharmacy","Sheng ji zong lu","Xiao er yao zheng zhi jue","You you xin shu","Xiao e rwei sheng zong wei lun fang","Hong's Collection Prescription","Three Causes of Extreme Disease Prescription","Yan g's Family Prescription","Shi zhai bai yi xuan fang","Pu ji ben shi fang","Fu ren da quan liang fang",Song ben bei ji jiu fa,"Zheng huo ren shu","Ji feng pu ji fang","Lei zheng pu ji ben shi fang","Shi yi jiu ji fang","Huang di su wen xuan ming fang",the precious mirror of hygiene","Pu ji fang","Wei sheng yi jian fang",Shang han liu shu","Qi xiao liang fang","Ying to ng bai wen","Dan xi xin fa zhi yao,""Yi xue gang mu",Yi xue ru men","M ing mu zhi bao","Shou shi bao yuan","You ke fa hui","Wai ke da cheng,""Zhang's Treatise on Gen-eral Medicine","Feng's secret book","Yang yi da q uan","Wide to Mscellaneous Dsease","Rhymed Discourse for Topical Remed ies".(2)Analyse the form of the prescription of the preserved tea.There are three kinds of prescriptions for La Tea:single prescription of La Tea,compound prescription of La Tea and delivery prescription of La Tea.Lact ated tea was used alone for four prescriptions to treat diarrhea,sores and ulcers;64 compound prescriptions containing La Tea were used for the t reatment of diarrhea,sores and ulcers.For eye diseases,headaches,sores and sores,diarrhea and other diseases,153 prescriptions of La Tea were given to prevent the scope of treatment,including abuse,sores and ulcers,diarrhea,convulsions,apoplexy and pediatric hanging.(3)Formulation characteristics of La Tea Prescription.The application forms of La Tea are soup,paste,powder,pill,collar,cake and so on,whic h are very diverse.Among them,pill powder was the most,accounting for 91.4%of the total.(4)To sort out the types of curing diseases with La Tea.La Tea has a wide variety of treatments for diseases,such as diaphragm,eye disease,dizziness,headache,stroke,infantile convulsion,typhoid frightening,nasal obstruction,dysentery,sore ulcer,saliva,sputsputsputum,saliva,tinus,nasal obstruction,dysdysdysentery,sore throthroat,hemorrhoids,paralysis,paraly sis,body pain,body pain,worms,convulsion,dyspnea,cholefever,excessive sleeping,cough,cough,vomiting,vomiting,vomiting,hemorrhagic,epilepsy,epilepsy,symptomatic symptoms,dysenteric,dyspepepepepepsi,dysdyspep epepeNucleus of phlegm in gall and scrofula More than 30 kinds of feces,hemorrhage,chancre,immortal bait,malaria,gonorrhea,soup fire,typhoid fever,deafness,etc.Both inside and outside women and children are invol ved.(5)Compatibility of La Tea with other traditional Chinese medicines In the prescription containing La Tea,the main compatibility of La Tea in cludes La Tea compatibility with herba schizonepetae(schizonepetaspike),L a Tea compatibility with ginger,La Tea compatibility with mint,La Tea co mpatibility with Chinese onion(Chinese onion white),La Tea compatibility with fragrance,etc.(6)To analyze the specific efficacy of La Tea.According to the analysi s,the main effects of La Tea are waking up,breathing down,detoxifying and curing sores,digestion,restricting the toxicity of other drugs,clearing the head,urinating and so on.The third part is discussion.First,discuss the specific reasons for the application of La Tea in the field of traditional Chinese medicine,and analyze the possibility of its me dicinal use in the Tang Dynasty.Second,discuss the reason why the appli cation of La Tea in traditional Chinese medicine declined from changeable to small,especially in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties.Including the social and cultural reasons of historical development and the reasons of traditional Chinese medicine.The fourth part is the conclusion.Summarize the article.This paper analyses the possibility of re-produc tion and application of La Tea,probes into its significance in health prese rvation and disease treatment in modern society,and explores the potenti al development prospects of La Tea in contemporary society.
Keywords/Search Tags:La Tea, literature research, dominance, efficacy
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