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Research On The "Stigma" Problem Of HPV In Online Community Interaction

Posted on:2020-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330575974315Subject:Journalism and communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As one of the modern social theories,the theory of stigma,though only half a century of history,has accumulated a lot of theoretical basis and re search results,but also have a very strong social explanatory value.With t he confirmation of the close relationship between high-risk HPV and cerv ical cancer,and the development of HPV vaccine,the first vaccine that ca n prevent cancer in the world,the public's attention to the information abo ut HPV has gradually increased.Especially after the HPV vaccine was ap proved to enter the Chinese vaccine market on July 18,2016,the huge am ount of information with the word "HPV" poured into people's eyes,show ing an obvious blowout state on various information platforms The audie nce is flooded with reports and discussions about HPV,HPV vaccine,and related information.But in these HPV related information,it is not diffic ult to find that the society regarding HPV as a "sexual" disease cognitive misunderstanding and "stigmatization" problem still exists.The public's a ttention to health issues is on the rise,and with it,the demand for health i nformation and the attention to patient groups have been greatly increased The research on the "stigmatization" of HPV Information in cyberspace i s helpful to eliminate the negative influence of the "stigmatization" of HP V to the society.Based on the theory of stigma,this paper reviews the status quo and ch aracteristics of the "stigma" of HPV information in the interaction of onli ne community platform Using the method of text analysis and case analys is,this paper describes the static representation of HPV stigma informatio n in the interaction among the three major online community platforms of Sina Weibo,Zhihu and Baidu Tieba This paper discusses the constructio n and characteristics of HPV stigma in the interaction among the three ma jor online community platforms.On this basis,the text of the specific con tent of the stigmatization of in-depth analysis,combined with the results o f previous studies to comb the literature and reference,it is concluded that the public stereotype of "Sex",the infectivity of HPV is endowed with s ocial moral significance,the media setting a fault in the agenda of related topics and the promotion of the "stigma" of HPV by the characteristics of the online community platform are the four main reasons for the "stigma" of HPV in the interaction of the online community platform.At the same time,the study found that the "stigma" of HPV has a variety of negative social effects The negative effects such as hindering the public to form a correct understanding of the disease,influencing the development of healt h promotion,intensifying the conflict between HPV patients and society,and causing social panic caused by "identity crisis" were discussed.Whil e reflecting on the phenomenon of "stigmatization" of HPV information i n the interaction of online community platforms,according to the problems found in the research,from the medical staff,the network community platform,the media,public opinion leaders,HPV patients five aspects of t argeted "de-stigmatization" recommendations.
Keywords/Search Tags:HPV, Online, Community Platform, interaction, stigma
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