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Correlation Analysis Of The Serum BDNF Concentrations And The Obstructive Sleep-disordered Breathing In Children

Posted on:2020-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T GuFull Text:PDF
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Background and ObjectiveObstructive sleep-disordered breathing is common in children.Even the slightest symptom---snoring can significantly increase the incidence of diseases affecting multiple target organs and systems,and it is difficult to recover the damage of children's intelligence,learning ability,cognitive function and other neurological and psychological behavioral functions.Early diagnosis and treatment is an important means to avoid irreversible sequelae,and it is also an important goal of pediatricians.Although polysomnography is the current gold standard,but the lack of reliable sleep laboratories for children,excess cost,and lack of consensus on interpretation of polysomnograms as reasons it is an Obstacles to early diagnosis.The marker of laboratory biochemical indicators that can change early in the disease and reflect the severity of the disease is particularly urgent.In this study,we would like to know the serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Concentrations in Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing different stages and find out the possibility of using brain-derived neurotrophic factor as a new indicator for early diagnosis and assessment of the severity of Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing.hoped to provide reference for the early diagnosis and treatment of children with Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing.Subjects and MethodWe initially studied 46 children?mean age:6.73 years;range:3.4–11.5 years?admitted to pediatric in the first affiliated hospital of zhengzhou university because of clinical symptoms of Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing.Through the polysomnography,seventeen children with an apnea-hypopnea index?AHI?of 5 or more and Oxygen saturation dropped by more than 3%were categorized as children with OSA,whereas twenty nine children were considered as primary snorers.Complete the questionnaire,measure the basic human body data,physical examination,nasopharyngeal CT,serum BDNF concentrations.Age,sex,height,weight,parental height,obstructive apnea/hypopnea index,tonsil size,adenoid thickness,and nasopharyngeal width were recorded.Computing nighttime blood oxygen saturation decreased maximum,BMI,body fat rate,target height?SDS?,the ratio of amygdala is greater than I°ratio,A/N value,and comparing with control group corresponding characteristics of children?N=15?.The data were processed using the SPSS for Windows software?SPSS Inc,Chicago,IL?.Student t test for 2independent samples and paired samples was applied for normally distributed data.The nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used for data with skewed distribution.The Mantel-Haenszel?2 test was used for ordinal data.Regression analysis was applied when the dependent and independent variables were continuous.Numerical variables that conform to a normal distribution are reported by meanąSD.Numerical variables that do not conform to a normal distribution are reported by medial(P25,P75).The classification variable is expressed as a rate?%?.Statistical significance was set at P=0.05.ResutsThere were no statistically significant differences in height,weight,parental height,BMI and body fat rate in the three groups.However,statistical differences were found in relative height between the children with OSA and the control group.The OSA and PS children showed a similar trend toward a target height deficit compared with the controls?t=2.15,p=0.04?.Airway obstruction was most serious in OSA group,followed by PS group.There were statistically significant differences in serum BDNF among the three groups,The serum BDMF of OSA group was significantly higher than PS group,?P1=0.003;P2=0.001;P3=0.000,P1 indicates the statistical difference between the OSA children and primary snorers,P2 the difference between the primary snorers and normal controls,and P3 the difference between the OSA children and controls.?In the serum of BDNF in the multiple linear regression model as the dependent variable?R2=0.43,P=0.032?,there is no significant correlation between BDNF and height,gender,blood oxygen saturation decreased maximum,BMI,body fat rate,the amygdala is greater than I°no.There is a small but significant correlation between age?P=0.001?,AHI?P=0.006?,A/N value?P=0.024?and BDNF.ConclusionThe serum BDNF is significantly different between Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing children?the OSA group and primary snorers group?and normal controls.The serum BDNF has been noticeable rise in early symptom severity.Assess the factors associated with changes in BDNF values,we can find that all variables except age are directly related to the severity of OSA.The more severe the Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing is,the higher the serum BDNF value is.
Keywords/Search Tags:Children, OSDB, BDNF, OSA, AHI
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