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Observation,Simulation And Ecological Effect Analysis Of The Condensation Process Of Populus Euphratica Population In Arid Environment

Posted on:2019-04-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:E H H Z T MeiFull Text:PDF
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Water is the main factor of plant growth in arid area,as a kind of input item of water resources,condensed water is small,but it is very important to maintain the ecological balance in arid areas.In this study,the lower reaches of the Tarim River typical communities as the research object,research methods and the comprehensive application of field observation and control experiment and mathematical simulation,rules and characteristics of the system reveals the extreme arid area of desert riparian forest communities condensation,condensation of water condensation and reveal the size of evaluation of ecological effect with water process.The following results are obtained:1.The frequency and the dynamic characteristics and regularity of continuous time,the quantitative characteristics of Populus euphratica in areas of condensed water:condensed water occurrence frequency is highest in the non growing season,accounting for 96.07%of the total number of days of observation period,different phenological periods of condensed water occurrence frequency,leaf coloration stage and defoliation appearance frequency is far higher than other phenology is the second period,leaf expansion,fruit maturity lowest.The duration of observation period of condensed water in the growing season is 2.704 h,the lowest in non growing season duration of condensate water reached 10.696 h,the duration of different phenological periods of condensed water in fruit ripening period is the shortest,the longest leaf coloration stage.During the whole observation period of condensate days accounted for the observation period of the total number of days90.45%,the cumulative water condensation 15.72mm,which reached 10.17 m in the growth of Ji Zong condensation,non Ji Zong condensation growth rate was 5.55 mm,in different phenological phase,fruit maturity cumulative condensation volume reached 7.8 mm,accounting for 49.63%of the total amount of condensation.2.The quantitative evaluation results showed that the condensation amount of canopy condensation,surface condensation and mixed coagulation were 5.24 mm,4.16 mm and 1.67 mm respectively.During the whole observation period,the number of condensation water and the number of condensate water in a single canopy were larger than that in mixed condensation and ground condensation.The duration of canopy condensation,surface condensation and mixed coagulation is2.54h,18h and 1.46h respectively,and the duration of ground condensation is significantly higher than that of canopy condensation and mixed coagulation.3.The artificial surface method was used to measure the condensate water of different height of Populus euphratica.The results showed that during the observation period,condensation water was generated.With seasonal changes,the canopy condensation of Populus euphratica was also changed,of which the average daily volume of September was the largest and the daily average volume of July was the smallest.Different canopy condensation results showed that canopy layers of water condensation difference,wherein each layer of the canopy of 6,7 and August condensation volume trends,from the overall lower middle>>upper part,while the amount of condensation in September for lower canopy layers>middle>upper part.4.Condensation water is composed of a variety of environmental factors?mainly meteorological factors?complex physical process of interaction,based on the scale factor of condensation and its corresponding regression analysis,including analysis of meteorological factors:temperature,wind speed,water conditions,the correlation coefficient from the size of water vapor density and temperature of the condensed water formed more?P<0.01?.5.Through the model test,can accurately predict the condensate days,this paper selects 17 meteorological factors obtained by principal component analysis,4principal components,the main components of the KMO value reached 0.793,the cumulative contribution rate was 91.17;including principal component extraction of representative factors:temperature,wind velocity,energy factor the conditions and water conditions.6.This paper presents a model framework for condensation water assessment,which is divided into two parts,one is the number of condensate days,and the two is the setting rate and duration.The occurrence of condensate is the core of dew point temperature,and the occurrence of condensate is determined by the correlation with the temperature of the gas canopy.The simulation results show that the fitting degree of condensate duration and coagulation rate is better on the daily scale,which can reflect the change trend of condensate duration,coagulation rate and condensation rate.7.Under different condensing volume,the relative water content and leaf water potential of Populus euphratica increased.The size of S2>S1>S0 indicated that condensation water increased the relative water content and leaf water potential of plants.The amount of condensation,fluorescence parameters were significantly different,significantly increased the maximum fluorescence yield,electron transfer rate,the actual electron yield and photochemical quenching,expressed as S2>S1>S0,show that in a highly condensed amount,improve the Populus euphratica photosynthetic electron transport,increased photosynthesis,can be considered for desert plant condensed water can indeed be absorbed by plants.
Keywords/Search Tags:The lower reaches of the Tarim River, Condensate, Populus poplar, Ecological effect
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