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Development Of The Twentieth Century The Fifties And Sixties Lvsi Fishing Grounds Of Small Yellow Croaker

Posted on:2017-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L WuFull Text:PDF
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Marine fishery resources is also a kind of biological resources.Therefore,it shares common features with other biological resources but also has its ownunique character.If the amount of resources can be maintained at a fixed level and achieve a balance between long-term breeding and fishing,then the aquatic resources will be "endless".However,when catches outnumberreproduction year by year,"overfishing" is incurred.Over time,it will lead toa vicious circle.“Lvsi” Fishery boasted its abundant fish stock,especially yellow croaker.However,in retrospect,the author discover that the natural environment and human activities have produced a significant impact on local yellow croaker resources.The Yellow River flushes into Huaihe River,and during its journey northward,it brings huge amount of silt into “Lvsi” Fishery.After a long period of seabed movement,sand ridges and sand tanks of different sizes have been gradually formed.Under this influence,it is not until the beginning of EmperorQianlong's reign that fishermen in Tongzhou started to establish yellow croaker fisheries.Then due to the northward movement of Yellow River and the construction of sea walls,fewer inflow silt helped maintain stable size ofsand ridges of sediment.Especially since 1950 s,the influence of natural environmental changes on the yellow croaker is not significant.The main factor affecting yellow croaker resources mostly comes from human.If you compare the early 1950 s with traditional time,it has not changed much in terms of fishing gears,fishing boats,fishing techniques and fishing area.However,due to the breakthroughs of traditional geographical boundaries,the favorable national fisheries financing and policy support,fishing boats and nets were built in large scale.With the number of boats,nets increasing,therecourses of yellow croaker was looted in a wild manner.By 1950 s,due to resource reductions and insufficient resources in the spawning ground,large market demand was failed to be met.Under this circumstance,necessary improvements must be made in the boats,nets and fishing practices in order to be able to fish farther sea area.Due to the revolution in technological and the extreme high fishing efficiency,the recourses of yellow croaker in “Lvsi” fishery resources was drained.And among the rest of fishes,yellow croaker was no longer the main fishing target of fishermen.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development
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