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Preliminary Study On Variety Selection And Cultivation Techniques Of 'Nangao' In Sichuan

Posted on:2020-10-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2393330590962696Subject:Garden Plants and Ornamental Horticulture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Prunus Mune Zucc.which belonged to Prunus L.of Rosaceae was rich in nutrients which was very potential economic tree species in processed food in southern China.In recent years,with the rapid development of Prunus Mune Zucc,there was increasingly demand on Prunus Mune Zucc.It had been a key for local development of Prunus Mune Zucc.with good quality,high quantity and suitable natur conditions.At present,there was no systematic theoretical system for the selection of excellent varieties and green and high-efficient cultivation techniques of Prunus Mune Sieb.etZucc in Sichuan.In this paper,'Baijiahe','Yingsu','Yanzhimei','Nangao','Dabaimei' and 'Daqingmei' were used as experimental materials to select the most suitable cultivars for cultivation in Sichuan.The preliminary study on cultivation management and seedling breeding of selected cultivars was carried out to enrich the selection theory of Prunus Mune Zucc in Sichuan and improve its quality in Sichuan;the origin of fine varieties and the climate of the existing introduced cultivation areas were analyzed in Sichuan to explore the suitability of introduction in Sichuan,which would provide a theoretical basis for the next large-scale cultivation development;Finally,the prospect the Prunus Mune Zucc industry in Sichuan was discussed with main results as follows:(1)'Baijiahe','Yingsu','Yanzhimei' and 'Nangao' were introduced from Sichuan Chongzhou,Zhejiang Fenghua,Geshan and 'Dabaimei' and 'Daqingmei' were introduced from Dayi.The selection criteria was based on fruit setting rate,growth index,branching characteristics,leaf characteristics,fruit characteristics,fruit contents,yield,citric acid content,fruit appearance and flavor to choose the best variety which is 'Nangao'.The average height of 'Nangao' in the productive stage was 3.3 m,the average diameter was 4.75 cm and the average crown was over 4.9 m.When the leaves were smaller than other varieties,the fruit quality was better,the average annual yield can reach 32.73 kg,the average fruit weight was 18.91 g,the flesh texture was delicate,the fragrance was strong,no bitterness,the total sugar content was 1.33%,total acid content 5.77% and vitamin content 5.67%,which was typical “high acid and low sugar” fruit;soluble solids was 10.15% and flesh edible rate as high as 90.48%,exceeding the ordinary plum standard of 4.13%.(2)Based on the experiments of different gardening methods,pruning methods and management techniques,it was suggested that 'Nangao' adopted gentle slope to build gardens with pruning natural happiness shape.The annual yield of fruits increased significantly and the number of fruits set reached the highest and the number of diseased fruits reached the lowest;In the cultivation and management,three-year tending technology management should be strengthened and economic crops such as peony interplanted with oil can be used to maximize the use of land resources and increase revenue.(3)Through the sowing and grafting experiments of 'Nangao',the most suitable sowing amount of 'Nangao' was between 50 and 80 kg per mu;the most suitable grafting method of 'Nangao' was cutting method,its average survival rate was as high as 90.3%,the best grafting time was from February to mid-March of each year and the thickness of scion was between 0.75 and 1.25 cm.(4)Compared with the origin of Japan and Geshan County,the average latitude of 'Nangao' in Sichuan was between 28 and 32 degrees and the latitude was lower;Mianyang,Dazhou,Guangyuan,Leshan and other places had some vertical differences and the climate contrast was obvious;The optimum annual average temperature of 'Nangao' in Sichuan was mainly between 11.3 and 18.5 degrees and the optimum rainfall was between 682 mm and 1278 mm.(5)Prunus mune Zucc industry in Sichuan had developed earlier and had rich processing types,but there was still room for further development.The future development direction of Prunus mune Zucc industry in Sichuan was prospected.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prunus mume, 'Nangao', Breeding and Cultivating, Ecological Suitability
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