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Demonstration And Efficiency Of Specialized System Integrated Management To Disease And Insects On Rice In Shuangpai County

Posted on:2017-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2393330572972686Subject:Plant protection
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,Cnaphalocrocis Medinalis and rice sheath blight,rice blast,rice planthopper occur continuously and have a great impact on the yield of rice,the rice production also has been a severe test.Although through the joint efforts of departments and farmers,it controlled effectively the rice pest effect on rice yield,but because each field between the effect of pest harm is not entirely the same,or there is a big difference in the control effect.Since 2012,in Yongzhou City plant protection station of the organization,through continuous research,continuing to increase efforts to promote the application,comprehensively promoting the"large area application of rice pests professional rule"prevention technology system and improving the overall level of prevention and controlling of crop pests,the specialized anti rule has made some achievements:1.promoting the farmers income and cost.Firstly,Saving the cost of prevention and control.From 2015 the county farmers rice self-defense situation,the average per 666.7 square metre of early rice was 4 times,middle-season rice 5-6 times,late rice 6 times,each unit labor costs 12 yuan,the anti pesticide cost a'bout 26 yuan per 666.7 square metre..The professional service fee is 110 yuan,150 yuan in early r:ice and late rice 135 yuan per 666.7 square metre,namely each season,medication labor costs more than 34 yuan.Secondly,Reducing the loss of plant diseases and insect pests.From the control perspective,the 2012-2015 of rice diseases and pests in the specialized anti rule service area of early and late rice yield of 470 kg per mu,early rice yield of non service area in about 422 kilograms,about 48 kilograms per mu yield loss.A quarter of rice in the service area of about 570 kg,non service area of about 508 kg,more than 62 kg of production increase.According to the 2015 national protection price every 50 kilograms of rice,rice 135 yuan,138 yuan terms,a total of 4 years for farmer income 32 million 212 thousand yuan.2.improving the agricultural ecological environment.In order to improve the control effect,in the county of Plant Protection Station under the guidance of professional control organizations to carry out pest control in strict accordance with the scientific plan,adhere to the use of high efficiency,low toxicity and low residue,environmental friendly pesticides,3 of the county's rice rice pesticide,spraying 4-5 times,rice 4 times,while the farmers from the area of rice spraying 4 times,5-6,rice rice pesticide spraying 5 times,reduce the dosage of chemical pesticide 20-30%,put an end to the last part of the household use of highly toxic pesticide residues,pesticide,repeated drug use phenomenon;at the same time,waste recycling,unified packaging pesticide supply the practice of using the pesticide packaging,effective control of pesticide packaging of agricultural non-point source pollution,to ensure the safety of agricultural production,the quality and safety of agricultural products and agricultural ecological environment security.3.The social benefit is remarkable.To carry out the specialized anti rule,The first is to use the formula of pesticide rate,the optimum control period rate and control effect is obviously improved,enhanced emergency prevention and control capability for the burst retransmission of pests and diseases prevention and control organizations;The second is a reasonable profit,control personnel have a considerable income,effectively solve the employment problem of some farmers;The third is to reduce the labor intensity of farmers,irncrease the income of farmers,farmers can make a great deal of time and energy in the other side,free to make money.At the same time,to establish a good image of the governmernt departments,the close relationship between cadres and farmers to truly feel the government to farmers are thinking,anxious farmers are anxious.Greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of farmers,has played a significant role in achieving the goal of social security of grain production.
Keywords/Search Tags:plant diseases and insect pests of rice, specialization, system integrated management
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