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Evaluated The Effect Of Brassinolide With Three Different Structures On Four Crops

Posted on:2020-08-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2393330572497237Subject:Plant protection
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Brassinolide is known as the sixth largest plant growth regulator,which has the effects of improving crop growth,improving crop quality,improving crop stress resistance and increasing seed setting rate.It has been extracted from Brassica napus pollen since 1970,humans have discovered more than 70 kinds of brassinolide,and the activities of different analogues are different.It is important to analyze and compare the effects of each analogue on different crops.Among them,the structure is similar and the activity is high of 28-Epihomo Brassinolide,24-Epi Brassinolide,28-Homo Brassinolide and 22,23,24-MixedEpi Brassinolide.In this experiment,24-Epi,28-Homo and 28-Epihomo Brassinolide with higher activity were selected on the basis of predecessors.Comparative trials were conducted on cotton,wheat,apple and Chinese mustard,which are widely registered among cash crops,grain crops,fruit crops and vegetable crops.In this experiment,the application effects of brassinolide with the three structures of 24-Epi,28-Homo and 28-Epihomo on different crops were compared in terms of improving seed germination effect,shortening seed germination time,improving crop yield,improving crop quality and improving crop stress resistance.The optimum application concentration of brassinolide for each structure on different crops was selected,and to select the best use structure under the best use concentration.It provides the basis for the rational use of the three structures brassinolide,and the registration of the 24-Epi,28-Homo and 28-Epihomo Brassinolide in different crops.The main research results are as follows:1.Through soaking cotton seeds for 24 hours,the effects of brassinolide with 24-Epi,28-Homo and 28-Epihomo structures on cotton seed germination and seedling growth were studied.By comparing germination potential,germination rate,plant height,root length and root activity,By comparing the germination potential,germination rate,plant height root length and root activity,it was found that among the three structures of brassinolide,28-Homo Brassinolide showed the strongest activity in cotton soaking,followed by 28-Epihomo Brassinolide,and finally 24-Epi,the recommended cotton soaking concentrations for these three structures are 0.02 mg/kg,0.01 mg/kg,and 0.01 mg/kg.The effects of brassinolide(24-Epi,28-Homo and 28-Epihomo)on the yield and quality of cotton,were studied by spraying the cotton stems and leaves.The results showed that: 0.02 mg/kg 28-Homo Brassinolide,0.02 mg/kg 28-Epihomo Brassinolide and 0.04 mg/kg 24-Epi Brassinolide lactone could improve the yield and quality of cotton,but the difference between the three is not obvious.2.The effects of Brassinolide on the yield and quality of wheat with 24-Epi,28-Homo and 28-Epihomo were studied by spraying the wheat stems and leaves.The results showed: In terms of improving wheat yield and quality,it is recommended to use 0.04 mg/kg 28-Homo Brassinolide,0.04 mg/kg 28-Epihomo Brassinolide and 0.06 mg/kg 24-Epi Brassinolide.The effect of the treatment is successively decreasing.3.Through the spray treatment of apple leaves,the effects of brassinolide of 24-Epi,28-Homo and 28-Epihomo high on the yield and quality of apple were studied.The results showed: In terms of improving apple yield and quality,it is recommended to use 0.06 mg/kg 28-Homo Brassinolide,0.06 mg/kg 28-Epihomo Brassinolide and 0.06mg/kg 24-Epi Brassinolide.The effect of 28-Homo Brassinolide and 28-Epihomo Brassinolide under the same concentration treatment is similar,but both were larger than the same concentration of 24-Epi Brassinolide.4.The effects of brassinolide(24-Epi,28-Homo and 28-Epihomo)on the yield and quality of Chinese mustard under normal and moderate drought conditions were studied by spray treatment of stems and leaves of indoor Chinese mustard.And the effect of Chinese mustard on physiological and biochemical indexes under moderate drought.The results showed:Under normal conditions,it is recommended to use 0.01 mg/kg of 28-Homo Brassinolide,0.01 mg/kg of 28-Epihomo Brassinolide and 0.02 mg/kg of 24-Epi Brassinolide.The effects of the above three treatments are successively decreasing.Under moderate drought conditions,it is recommended to use 0.02 mg/kg 28-Homo Brassinolide,0.02 mg/kg 28-Epihomo Brassinolide and 24-Epi Brassinolide.The effects of the above three treatments are successively decreasing.Spraying three structures of brassinolide under drought conditions can increase the chlorophyll content,root activity and a series of enzyme activities of the plants.At the test concentrations,the highest activity of different enzymes corresponds to different concentrations,but all around the optimal concentration of production.When Chinese mustard is under drought stress,it can resist external damage to plants by increasing the activity of soluble solids,soluble sugars and enzymes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Brassinolide, Three structures, Four kinds of crops, Application effect
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