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Research And Application Of High Produciton Technology For Dairy Cows In Guangdong

Posted on:2019-08-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L S ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2393330563485597Subject:Agricultural Extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Guangdong has a sub-tropical maritime climate with abundant rainfall and highhumidity.Because of its high temperature and high humidity,it's said that "Guangdong is not suitable for raising dairy cows".The average annual yield of adult cows in Guangdong Province has always been relatively low in the country.However,Guangdong is a large populous province,and the demand for dairy products is very large.The supply gaps for dairy products needed are mostly filled by dairy products imported from northern regions and abroad.In view of the fact that non-Guangdong domestic dairy products require long-distance transportation of dairy products,it is difficult to guarantee freshness.In particular,high-end pasteurized milk has a short shelf life and requires refrigerated transport,which not only increases the transportation costs of products,but also makes it difficult to meet the demand for high quality fresh milk inGuangdong.Therefore,increasing the quality of fresh milk production in Guangdong is a key issue that urgently needs to be addressed in the development of the dairy industry in Guangdong.In order to explore effective measures to increase milk production in dairy cows in Guangdong province with high temperature and high humidity,this paper used Guangzhou Pearl River Milk Co., a research base to take measures to improve the living comfort of dairy cows and formulate and implement standardized operating procedures.Comparison of time studies,obtained the following results:(1)A summer heat-reducing cooling system with spraying and sufficient fans in barns can effectively relieve the heat stress reaction of dairy cows and the milk production ratio in winter and summer can approach 1:1;the use of sand beds can provide a more comfortable resting environment for cows.During the non-feeding period,the proportion of cow lying down can reach 85-90%,and the hygiene of the cows is also greatly improved.Comparing with the,the average annual yield of adult cows continues to increase reaching 23.22%;(2)Comfortable rubber pads are applied to the places where cows stand and walk,which can effectively improve the standing and walking comfort of cows,improve the health of cows and feet,reduce the incidence of limb and foot disease by 37.29%,and eliminate the total number of limb and foot disease eliminations.Reduce the proportion of eliminated41.47%;(3)Develop and strictly implement standardized milking operation procedures,mastitis prevention and control operating procedures which changes passive mastitis treatment to active mastitisprevention and other series of comprehensive measures,can control the monthly incidence of mastitis in lactating cows at less than 3.0%,the bacterianumber of fresh milk was controlled within 1 million/ml;(4)Developing scientific and reasonable perinatal dairy cow health monitoring regulations and implementing them strictly will enable the cows to successfully pass through the calamities.The number of cows culledwithin 60 days after delivery can be controlled within 6% of the total calving cows.Milk peaks are reached within 30 days after delivery and are maintained up to 50 days;(5)Based on science,combined with the shortage of high-quality forage resources in the southern region,for milking cows ration,there are no less than 5.0 kg/head of high-quality alfalfa,1.5 kg/head of high-quality oat hay,at the same time the stable use of high-quality yeast cultures can greatly improve the health status of dairy cows and achieve high yields for dairy cows.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guangdong, Dairy cow, High temperature and high humidity, Heat stress, High-yielding technology
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