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Vibration Analysis And Improvement Of Transmission System For All Terrain Crane

Posted on:2020-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330623451057Subject:Vehicle engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
First ly,this paper expounds the importance of trans miss ion s ystem optimizat ion through t he statist ics of t he historica l proble ms of the company's all-terrain tr uck crane trans miss ion s yste m.This paper introduces the applicat ion a nd research status of all-terrain truck crane trans miss ion s yste m at ho me and abroad,and puts forward the purpose and significance of the research.This paper systemat ica lly studies the vibrat ion of the transmiss ion syst e m of the terrestr ial tr uck crane from t hree aspects: engine vibratio n,inter mediate support and transmission shaft.(1)The influe nce of engine vibrat ion and vibrat ion iso lat ion measures on transmiss io n syste m vibration.Research shows t hat engine vibratio n is an important source of vehic le transmiss ion syste m vibrat ion.The test results of an engine mount ing s ystem s how that opt imizing engine mount ing struct ure can effect ive ly isolate vibration and reduce the vibration of transmission system.(2)The influe nce of the arrange ment,installat io n and select ion of t he transmiss io n shaft on t he vibratio n of the trans miss ion syste m.This paper presents a met hod for the arrange ment of trans miss ion shafts for 5-bridge large-scale all-terrain crane,and des igns and calculates its trans miss ion syste m.The prototype test shows that the met hod is reasonable a nd reliab le.At the sa me t ime,the co mparative tests of different types of trans miss ion sha fts and the ir insta llat ion methods are carried out.The test data have important re ference va lue for t he insta llat ion a nd select ion o f transmission shafts of large al-terrain truck cranes in the future.(3)The influence of the posit io n and insta llat ion form of t he intermed iate support on the vibrat ion o f the trans miss ion sys te m.Through str uctura l ana lysis,it can be seen that the insta llat ion posit io n of the intermed iate support determines the equiva lent angle of t he transmiss ion sha ft,and the equiva le nt angle of the transmiss io n shaft direct ly affects the vibrat ion amp lit ude of the trans missio n shaft.The results of calculat io n and experiment show that when the equiva lent angle of the transmiss io n shaft is greater than 3 degrees,the vibrat ion of the trans miss ion syste m is great ly reduced and the reliab ility o f the system is obvio us ly improved.At the same time,it is found that the stiffness of the inter med iate support also has an important influe nce on the vibrat ion characterist ics of t he trans miss ion syste m.In the research,the transmiss io n syste m model o f a 300 T all-terrain tr uck crane is established,and the vibratio n of the inter mediate support wit h different st iffness is analyzed by us ing NASTRAN software.The ana lys is shows that the amp lit ude of the high-freque ncy vibratio n of the trans miss ion sha ft can be gre atly reduced by properly reduc ing the stiffness of the inter med iate support of t he transmiss ion sha ft,whic h is of great significa nce for improving the high-speed driving perfor mance of the all-terrain crane.
Keywords/Search Tags:All-terrain truck crane, trans mission system, Vibration, Inter mediate support, vibration isolation, Equivalent angle
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