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Design And Implementation Of Traffic Police Brigade Temporary Seizure Vehicle Management System

Posted on:2021-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M SunFull Text:PDF
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In the era of big data,all walks of life are committed to improving the level of information management in the industry.Against this background,the domestic public security system is also actively advocating the informationization of police work.Among them,the traffic police's management of detained vehicles involved in the case we are also exploring modern management models.At this stage,traffic police in some areas in China still use manual registration to manage detained vehicles,so loopholes are prone to occur during the work process.In order to more scientific and standardized management related processes,public security laws are effectively implemented.This article will combine with the current situation of vehicle management in the traffic police industry to realize the design and development of a traffic police detention vehicle management system.This system mainly uses computer technology in the design process to improve the management level and work efficiency of traffic police detention vehicles,which not only saves The cost of human resources,at the same time,it will be reduce the omissions in the traffic police department's management of detained vehicles,and achieve the standardized and scientific management goals of the traffic police department.At present,the same type of traffic police detaining vehicle management system is relatively simple,mostly with simple registration function.In the design and implementation process,this system uses.NET,XML,SQL Server and other technologies,it adopts B/S architecture,which enriches the functions of the system.In addition to the necessary detaining vehicle information registration function,it also adds the function modules of detaining vehicle information inquiry,detaining vehicle release disposal management,query file printing and export,and system configuration.The users of the system are mainly divided into two categories,that is,parking lot administrators and traffic police.The design and development of this system have effectively enhanced the traffic police department's standardized processing capacity of information and fully reflected the information of traffic detained vehicles.Management mode.In this study,the general background of system development is first explained,and the functions of the internal functional modules of the system are shown in the form of pictures and texts.Secondly,the software development technology and related technologies used in the process of developing and designing the system are introduced.Knowledge,and then complete the needs analysis of the system in combination with the actual situation,and explain the involved data flow diagrams,flowcharts,data dictionaries and data tables;After the system design is completed,a number of tests are performed.Timely findings are found based on the test results corrected the problems existing in the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traffic Police, B/S, Vehicle, Query, Registration, Detention
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