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Research On The Influence Of The Aesthetics Of "Song People Still Intent" On Chinese Modern Design Style

Posted on:2020-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XueFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The song dynasty was an era of unprecedented prosperity and development of Chinese culture,and its aesthetics also achieved great development on the basis of full integration of predecessors.The aesthetics of the book of songs,the aesthetics of Taoism,the aesthetics of pre-Qin Confucianism,the aesthetics of the period of two Han dynasties,the aesthetics of metaphysics in Wei and Jin dynasties,and the aesthetics of zen in Sui and Tang dynasties were reconstructed and integrated in this period.Aesthetics in the process of integration,the eclecticism,with great inclusive all rivers run into sea mind absorbed various academic ideas,formed its own unique meaning "is" aesthetics,the aesthetics based on Confucianism,critically absorb the Buddhist and Taoist aesthetic thought,aesthetic resources required for his age,created a new era of glory.The aesthetics of song dynasty has set up its own monument in the history of Chinese aesthetics.Nowadays,Chinese design is influenced by western design ideas,and Chinese classical design charm has not been well inherited and developed.However,Chinese classical aesthetic culture is extensive and profound,which is worth learning from and can provide many beneficial cultural elements for local design.In today's market environment,consumers have a special liking for the consumption of traditional cultural elements and integrate classical culture into modern design,which is the historical mission given by the era to designers.This paper will focus on the selection of materials from the traditional representative Chinese art forms,such as calligraphy,painting,architecture,artifacts,literature reading method,comparative analysis and other methods to focus on the "song people still intent" aesthetic characteristics and aesthetic elements.In the context of cultural diversity aesthetic diversity continuous cultural integration and exchange in the 21 st century,this paper makes a superficial exploration and attempt on the inheritance and development of China's excellent traditional culture,and carries forward and develops excellent traditional Chinese culture in modern design.This topic is based on the aesthetic culture of the song dynasty and based on the exploration of the aesthetic value of "still intent" of the song people.It is mainly discussed from the following aspects:The first part,the song people "still intent" the source of the source and reason,the purpose and significance of the study,the overall research ideas and methods.The second part elaborates the origin of song people's aesthetic thought of "still intent",analyzes the basic connotation of song aesthetics through the interpretation of the definition and the description of the generation and development of song people's "still intent",and summarizes and sorts out the culture and art of song dynastyThe third part,"song people still intent " aesthetic characteristics of the analysis,and contemporary design analysis and collation.It sums up the aesthetic connotation of "truth" and "light" in the aesthetic thought of "song people still intent".The fourth part,taking fan as an example,applies the aesthetic conception of "truth" and "light" to it,which has achieved the combination of tradition and modernity.Finally,it is applied in the concrete design practice.Through the above aspects of the "song people still intent" aesthetic thought on the influence of modern design style,from the aesthetic way of change,"form" and "function" combination,sustainable development of the aesthetic characteristics of three aspects are analyzed.Based on the above research,the author obtained inspiration for modern design from the aesthetic thought of "song people still intent".Through the application of still intent aesthetic elements in modern fan design,combined with the creation practice,the author designed fans that fit the traditional and modern ideas from the construction of material,texture,composition,material color and artistic conception beauty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song People Still Intent, Aesthetic, Genuine, Diluted
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