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Research And Application Of Wide Area Protection System In Maoming Area

Posted on:2020-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C S CaoFull Text:PDF
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Social progress and economic development raise higher and higher requirements for reliable,stable and high-quality power supply.Due to the continuous reform within the electric power system and the characteristics that the electric power system is gradually turning to the market,the new line is largely restricted by the social,economic and local environmental factors.At present,the improvement of power network in China has been lagging behind the load demand,and the power network has been operating at the edge of maximum transmission capacity.In response to the needs of the development of power system fast forward now,solve the existing power system relaying equipment and Ann from prominent failed to help resolve the problem of equipment protection,electric power practitioners have begun to study through the communication load of the new type of protection system of multiple sites transmission,this new type of system is defined as a Wide area protection system(WAPS)Wide-AreaProtectionSystem,.Wide-area protection system is the real time information collected from multiple sites,to immediately determine the grid accident and perform quick and accurate fault isolation or resection,and simultaneous failure effect the running state of the system after resection,can immediately control strategy and issued an order to carry out,is a blend of intelligence,protection,since Ann,the principle of large system protection function.The construction and development of power grid in maoming area is slow.As it is difficult to solve the problem of collusion through new lines or other effective measures at present,it is urgent to consider the solution from the perspective of protection cooperation.This article is based on the existence of the collusion of maoming region,based on analyzing the present situation and problems of a certain piece of collusion substation,combined with the wide-area protection system and wide area control,can find a solution to the collusion substation since the pressure loss recovery,and when a single power supply area of the main power supply after losing electricity,can effectively control the load of the standby power supply power supply range.
Keywords/Search Tags:relay equipment, wide area protection system, string supply
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