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Research On The Application Of Chinese Architectural Elements In The Design Of Tea Drinking Space

Posted on:2020-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y S ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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As the carrier of tea culture,tea drinking space undoubtedly plays an important role in the spread of tea culture.An antique tea drinking space can not only let people feel the elegance of Chinese traditional culture,but also relax people's spirit and body.China's ancient architecture system in the world are distinctive and full,with the development of modern science and technology and the development of new technology,the Chinese architectural elements and the combination of modem materials and process more perfect,can not only make the combination of Chinese architecture elements with modem elements to achieve coordination and unification,and can show Chinese style buildings have the sense of beauty.Based on the Chinese architectural elements in tea can be practical in the design of space as the prerequisite,discusses its application prospect and application value,the Chinese architectural elements in tea space design method is analyzed,the application on the basis of the theory of literature and field case to study,and summarizes study Chinese architectural elements in tea space design in modelling,colour,material qualitative,decoration,atmosphere played a role.In the design of modern tea drinking space,it is no longer appropriate to simply copy and copy Chinese architectural elements.The emergence of new materials and technologies needs to be combined with traditional elements to fully display the beauty of Chinese architectural elements and the beauty of new materials and designs.In this article,through the analysis of Chinese architectural elements through the carding and refining system,the Chinese architectural elements in tea space design,the application of research,put forward Chinese architectural elements used in tea methods and related problems about the design of space of solution,aimed at making Chinese architectural elements in heritage and development innovation.In the design of tea drinlking space,Chinese architectural elements should not only be regarded as a design component,but also consider its cultural characteristics and decorative features.By interpreting the design symbols of Chinese architectural elements,it can be integrated with the design of tea drinking space.When Chinese architectural elements are integrated into the tea drinking space,this inheritance is no longer earried out simply through the external form,but also through the unique atmosphere created by the tea drinking space to make people more impressive.Chinese traditional culture crystallization is the wisdom of thousands of years,Chinese architectural elements into the tea space,to meet people's spiritual appeal,aesthetic needs,structural support,cultural heritage.Innovation in practical application makes Chinese traditional architectural culture and tea culture inherit in innovation.Make continuous and mellow traditional culture combined with modem space design,add modem elements,modern scientific and technological materials and modem design concept,ancient cultural accumulation and modern culture collision,stimulate more vitality of the tea space.Its significance lies in that it can not only enable people to have a pleasant experience in the unique space,but also enable China to innovate and inherit the architectural culture,tea culture and other treasures for thousands of years.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese architectural elements, Tea drinking space, Inheritance, Age characteristics
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