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The Application Of Astrology In The Chamber Of Winds Of Palazzo Te In Mantua

Posted on:2019-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
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Palazzo Te,Located on the outskirts of Mantua,a small town in northern Italy,it is a recreation villa built by the Renaissance Gonzaga family.It was designed and led by Giulio Romano.It is considered a masterpiece of style architecture.Chamber of Winds is a room in the Palazzo Te.The interior frescoes and sculptures are related to astrology and the symbol of the Gonzaga family.Starting from the construction itself,this article first introduces the history and construction process of the Palazzo Te and briefly introduces several representative rooms.Then it details the design of Chamber of Winds and divides it into three layers according to the content of the performance.Afterwards,from the pattern in terms of form and content,the astrological elements of the mural content are analyzed,and their internal sources and social sources are explored.Finally,the astronomical horoscopes in other countries and regions are compared for horizontal comparisons to illustrate the uniqueness of astrological images in the Chamber of Winds.During the study,some problems were found.Although the Chamber of Winds seems to be complete and well-organized,the details are actually full of contradictions.For example,sometimes it does not meet the basic astrological common sense,the correspondence between the constellation and the patron saint is not completely consistent,what are the possible reasons for this situation?For another example,there are some unreasonable arrangements in circle painting to study the source and reason of these special arrangements.The Chamber of Winds is an example of Renaissance Europeans' use of astronomy and astrology in architectural painting.It is characterized by the use of symbolic drawings and layouts to express their inner desires and hopes to realize them.It is hoped that this study of the Chamber of Winds will be used to make the history of the Chamber of Winds a slice,combining architecture,art,astrology and society to jointly expand the boundaries of architectural history.In the history of architecture,we have learned about the development of buildings in different eras,understand the different views of people in different ethnic areas on architecture,and have known many outstanding architects and architectural works.In addition,we must also study the classic architecture.So the reason for existence and the source of the manifestation.Research on the history of architecture has developed until now,and some architectural historians have begun to explore architecture combination and cultural history,but the depth of research is far from enough.Architecture is a combination of art and science.Each specific building carries different marks from architects,social geography environment,cultural trends,and scientific levels.Complex products need multiple researches to explore the story of an excellent building.The whole thesis contains about 72 000 words,153 pictures and charts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Giulio Romano, Federico Gonzaga, Palazzo Te, Chamber of the Winds, Astrology
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