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Research On The Establishment Of Credibility Evaluation System Of Survey And Design Enterprises In Guangdong Province

Posted on:2018-12-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C LuoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,the survey and design enterprises in Guangdong Province have actively explored the theory and practice of credit system construction and achieved initial success.However,there are still some prominent problems to be solved urgently: the mechanism for promoting credit work needs to be perfected and the construction of credit laws and regulations and standards lags behind;Provincial survey and design enterprises credit information management system has not yet been completed,the level of information recording,solicitation and sharing is not high;credit service market is relatively slow,the credit intermediary services maturity and the degree of marketization low;trustworthy incentives and dishonesty disciplinary mechanism Not perfect.At this stage,the national survey and design enterprises are faced with the requirement of deepening the reform in an all-round way.As a very important part of the survey and design enterprises,the survey and design enterprises are in urgent need of building a corporate credit system.In this paper,through researching the construction of credit system in the existing survey and design enterprises in our country,we excavate the evaluation index and its system structure in the construction of the credit system of survey and design enterprises in all regions.On the basis of fully summing up the experience of our predecessors,we fully investigated the construction requirements of the credit system of survey and design enterprises in Guangdong Province,integrated the existing platforms of three libraries and one platform(enterprise library,talent pool,legal library and administrative service platform)in Guangdong Province,The actual situation,the establishment of survey and design enterprises covering all aspects of the credit records and evaluation criteria system,put forward the survey and design enterprises in Guangdong Province integrity evaluation system solutions.Through the construction of this system,Guangdong Province will speed up the establishment and improvement of the credit files of survey and design units and their employees.And then establish a strong network of data interconnection and realize the disciplinary actions against enterprises and their employees in the areas of bidding and tendering,engineering design,contract compliance and public social responsibility.Preventing a series of dishonest behaviors such as subcontracting,illegal subcontracting,anchoring,design quality defects and so on,will continue to disrupt the Guangdong surveyand design market,safeguard the good image of the survey and design enterprises in Guangdong and ensure the sustainable and healthy development of the survey and design industry in Guangdong Province.
Keywords/Search Tags:Survey and design enterprise, Honesty evaluation, AHP
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