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Research On Zhengzhou Urban Green Space Management

Posted on:2019-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2382330572957972Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urban green space is an important part of the city,and plays an important role in the process of urban construction.Urban green space management is an important part of government public management,and the government plays an important role in urban green space management.And with the continuous improvement of modern people's material living standards,urban residents have higher and higher requirements for living environment and quality of life,the importance of urban green space management has gradually improved.Under the background of the Zhengzhou's construction of a national central city,how can the government departments strengthen the management of the local urban greening and solve the problems existing in the management of urban green space,so that people can work in a comfortable environment,maintain a good urban ecological environment and avoid the heat island effect while developing the economy rapidly? The bad environment such as fog and haze is a topic to be studied urgently.The full text is divided into three parts: introduction,body and conclusion,of which the body is four chapters.The introduction part mainly elaborates the background and significance of the study of urban green space management in Zhengzhou,and combs the existing research related to this paper in detail by consulting data.The first category is the application of various technologies in urban green space management;the second category is the analysis of the current situation of urban green space management except Zhengzhou;and the third category is the analysis of the current situation of urban green space management in Zhengzhou.It is the government's discussion on the urban green space management methods;through combing the feasibility and necessity of this study.Finally,the paper introduces the theoretical tools used in this paper are policy implementation theory and entrepreneur government theory.The research methods are literature analysis,comparative research and questionnaire survey.The second chapter is an overview of urban green space management,defines the concept of urban green space,introduces the definition and classification of urban green space,and the main functions of urban green space.The responsibilities and roles of planning control,construction organization and maintenance management in urban green space management are defined.The third chapter analyses the development and current situation of urban green space management in Zhengzhou.This paper introduces the basic situation of urban green space in Zhengzhou,reviews the development process of urban green space in Zhengzhou,and makes great progress after decades of development.The urban green space of Zhengzhou City is mainly guided by the competent government departments,with the participation of residents of social organizations,and manages six types of urban green space.Chapter IV analyses the problems and causes of urban green space management in Zhengzhou,summarizes the problems of insufficient quantity and low quality of urban green space,imperfect laws and regulations,planning,construction,maintenance and public participation through questionnaire survey,and further analyses the causes of these problems.The main problems are insufficient attention,single methods and lack of guidance.In the fifth chapter,aiming at the problems of urban green space management in Zhengzhou,the main methods and experiences of urban green space management at home and abroad are analyzed.The management of urban green space in foreign countries started earlier and formed a relatively complete management system.The management of urban green space in China started late,but after decades of development,it has made great progress.Combining with the domestic and foreign experience,this paper summarizes the experience of legislation first,adapting measures to local conditions,guiding participation and so on.Then,according to the actual situation of Zhengzhou City,the rationalization suggestions are given.It is hoped that the level of urban green space management can be improved by improving laws and regulations,increasing the area of urban green space,strengthening construction supervision,strengthening maintenance management and enhancing the participation of citizens,so as to create a good working and living environment for urban residents.On the basis of the introduction and the main text,the conclusion objectively evaluates the role of the government in the management of urban green space in Zhengzhou,and further points out the problems that should be solved in the management of urban green space in Zhengzhou,and looks forward to a better role for the future government.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhengzhou, urban green space, management
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