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Automatic Generation Of Indoor Scenes Based On Sample Library

Posted on:2019-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2382330545969688Subject:Information and Communication Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the popularity of more and more social virtual worlds and large-scale multiplayer games with real environment,and the complexity of building modeling,time consuming,automatic modeling of indoor scenes and automatic layout,it is becoming more and more important and necessary.In order to improve the rationality of the automatic layout of indoor furniture,and take the area with certain function as the layout object,this paper puts forward the layout method of indoor furniture ba sed on the sample base.First,the function area layout scoring model is trained from the functional area sample library,and the energy function is constructed by combining the geometric constraints of the layout.The layout of the functional area is comp leted by solving the energy function.Finally,the layout of the furniture in the functional area is completed by the method of template library.The detailed methods are as follows:The prior knowledge of the indoor structural samples is extracted.The pr ior knowledge of the indoor structural samples is to ensure that the interior structure has a certain accuracy and high degree of division.A 28 dimensional eigenvector is proposed as a priori knowledge of the indoor structure to describe the interior structure characteristics.This experiment shows that the eigenvector can describe the indoor structure characteristics.The layout evaluation model is constructed.The layout evaluation model is the relationship between the indoor structure and the functional regional layout.By combining the indoor structure characteristics and the functional regional layout attributes in the sample library,the training set is formed and the functional regional layout evaluation model is trained to judge the rationality of t he new functional regional layout.The energy function is constructed.Based on the basic constraints such as traffic constraints and improper gate constraints proposed by [1],a layout evaluation model is established,and a layout energy function is estab lished to describe whether the layout of functional areas can meet the basic constraints and the rational distribution of functional areas on the structural features at the same time.The energy function is solved.In this paper,a genetic algorithm is use d to solve the energy function through the operation of cross,mutation and selection,and the layout of the functional area is completed.The layout of the functional area;the layout of the functional area refers to the layout of a whole functional area,such as the forum,the dining area,and so on,and does not involve the object in the functional area.In order to solve this problem,a method based on spatial relationship template library is proposed,which can be used to match the corresponding spatial relationship template by the type of functional region,and transform the object spatial relationship into specific coordinates,toward the content,so as to complete the layout of the object in the functional area.The experimental results show that the layout method proposed in this paper can effectively solve the problem of automatic layout of indoor objects,and the spatial relationship template library proposed in this paper can satisfy the diversity and rationality of the object placement in the fun ctional area.At the same time,the 3 dimensional indoor scene automatic modeling system implemented in this paper can effectively reduce the time needed for indoor scene modeling and object layout.
Keywords/Search Tags:3D indoor modeling, based on sample library, automatic generation
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