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Building Of Bamboo Arch-span Construction In Southern China

Posted on:2015-07-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L LiuFull Text:PDF
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After World War ?,modern architecture worldwide big promotion,architectural forms tend to Datong,chasing each other around the so-called "international style",but gradually lose their geographical characteristics.Building construction materials unreasonable choose to become environmental pollution,the main source is energy-consuming.Based on this background,the local architectural forms and environmentally friendly building materials become imperative.Southern Chinese bamboo arch-span building is rich in southern China's bamboo,green energy,building bamboo artisans use thin bamboo walls bend-resistant properties,to create a unique form of large cross-vaulted,its structural integrity,reasonable force can be attributed to column for the world's best traditional bamboo architecture.In this study,sorting through research,so that people get to know this is to ignore the fine traditional architecture,its application to expand research for future transition to civilian work with the foundation.Attempt from a small entry point to southern China bamboo building system-specific research,evoke interest in the study of traditional architecture of traditional materials,provide a template for future in-depth study of other traditional buildings.This study led to the investigation and to ??? bamboo artisans,Hunan,Fujian and other areas of the interview finishing.Click Properties to develop an understanding Span Bamboo Building:(1)understand the bamboo material properties and use,analyzed by the foundation,roof trusses,roof of the three parts of the world to build a bamboo building habits.(2)research bamboo building types in southern China,by finishing can be divided into:Class Chuan Dou,the column,pillar-and-span arch type.And construct a node,a detailed analysis of the evolution of the way to be.(3)to select the most outstanding of the southern region,the most perfect,the most widely used form of arch-span building bamboo-depth study of its variant forms,combinations,joint construction,the construction process were carried out in detail.(4)on the roof,roof trusses,based on three parts,namely in the form of innovation,node replacement,improved three structural optimization strategy,to lay the foundation for industry to civilian promotion.(5)in June 2013 to build a bamboo-10 chating source of Changsha pottery village,in the course of construction,identify problems,improvement node,combined with new material.And through a return visit after six months,and further promote the improvement of the understanding of the whole pattern of the requirements.Adapt to the modern construction process,construction of bamboo in southern China,focusing on in-depth understanding of China Southern bamboo arch-span construction,promote the use of environmentally friendly materials,attention to traditional architecture Carpenter for habits of traditional materials-by summarizing-research-Improved building system,the new use of traditional architecture for reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Construction
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