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Control Strategy Study Of Bi-directional DC/DC Converter For Hybrid Vehicles

Posted on:2015-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C XiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2382330452465619Subject:Control theory and control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a research on the adaptive control strategy ofbi-directional DC/DC converter which belongs to new hybrid vehicles.Firstly, paper describes DC/DC converters of the hybrid vehicles. Then paperhighlights the converters' topology, working principle and the establishment of its'mathematical models. Since the paper is aiming to find some adaptive control strategy toachieve the DC/DC converters' online controlling and parameter identification, this parthas given a LS (least squares) estimation algorithms from adaptive control knowledge,and then paper introduces the relevant RLS (recursive least squares) estimation. In thepoint of view to nonlinear system controlling, paper at last introduces one typicalnonlinear model of Hammerstein and its methods of parameter identification.In the case of the analysis from above two parts, the paper has done a lot ofsimulation of the DC/DC converters and associated control method with theMATLAB/SIMULINK software. Paper focuses on the working principle of the PIDcontroller's parameter configuration and other issues. Ziegler-Nichols tuning rule is alsointroduced and we could find a relatively good control results under PID controller'saffection. Finally paper identifies a Hammerstein non-linear models on simulationsoftware.This paper do much works including analyzing working principle of the DC/DCconverters, solving mathematical models, introducing PID controllers' parameterconfiguration and other thing. Because all the works have been done under a theorysituation and we do not have a hardware system, the content and conduct of this researchworks are in stage of theoretical research from the perspective linear model for a morein-depth study. And we have no online access to research results. All text theoretical andsimulation results are discussed under the circumstance in the absence of hardwareresearching.
Keywords/Search Tags:DC/DC converters, adaptive control, PID controller, MATLABA simulation
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